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rowanmiller edited this page Dec 8, 2014 · 3 revisions


EntityFramework.Testing provides an implementation of IDbAsyncQueryProvider that can be used when testing a component that uses async queries with EntityFramework. You can read more about how to use these components at


EntityFramework.Testing.Moq provides some helpful extensions to mock an Entity Framework context and it's DbSets using Moq.


For example, given the following MVC controller.

public class BlogsController : Controller
    private readonly BloggingContext db;

    public BlogsController(BloggingContext context)
        db = context;

    public async Task<ViewResult> Index()
        var query = db.Blogs.OrderBy(b => b.Name);

        return View(await query.ToListAsync());

You can write a unit test against an mock context as follows. MockDbSet and the SetupSeedData and SetupLinq extension methods are part of EntityFramework.Testing.Moq.

public async Task Index_returns_blogs_ordered_by_name()
    // Create some test data
    var data = new List<Blog>
        new Blog{ Name = "BBB" },
        new Blog{ Name = "CCC" },
        new Blog{ Name = "AAA" }

    // Create a mock set and context
    var set = new MockDbSet<Blog>()

    var context = new Mock<BloggingContext>();
    context.Setup(c => c.Blogs).Returns(set.Object);

    // Create a BlogsController and invoke the Index action
    var controller = new BlogsController(context.Object);
    var result = await controller.Index();

    // Check the results
    var blogs = (List<Blog>)result.Model;
    Assert.AreEqual(3, blogs .Count());
    Assert.AreEqual("AAA", blogs[0].Name);
    Assert.AreEqual("BBB", blogs[1].Name);
    Assert.AreEqual("CCC", blogs[2].Name);


The following APIs can be used on a MockDbSet. You can chain together as many of them as needed to setup the required functionality for each test.


SetupSeedData can be used to prepopulate the set with a well-known set of data.

var data = new List<Blog> { new Blog{ Name = "BBB" } };

var set = new MockDbSet<Blog>()


SetupLinq will enable the use of LINQ against the set (and direct enumeration of the set). This includes async LINQ operators.

var set = new MockDbSet<Blog>()


SetUpAddAndRemove will enable the DbSet.Add and DbSet.Remove methods to update the local data for the set.

var set = new MockDbSet<Blog>()


SetupFind allows you to specify a finder function that is used to find entities based on their key values when the DbSet.Find method is called.

var set = new MockDbSet<Blog>()
    .SetupFind((keyValues, blog) => blog.BlogId == (int)keyValues.Single())
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