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Reciprocal Space Station Website

Organization website for Reciprocal Space Station

Writing Blog Posts

Reciprocal Space Station encourages developers to contribute blog posts. We're flexible on the formatting, but we suggest following these guidelines

  • Blog posts are markdown files in the format

  • Posts begin with a YAML front matter block such as

     layout: post
     title: A Short Title
     subtitle: A Longer Subtitle
     author: Your Name
     usemathjax: true
  • You may enable latex rendering through mathjax by adding the following line to your post's front matter

     usemathjax: true
  • If the post contains media such as images, those should be located in

  • Use the blog-image, blog-caption or blog-image-wide, blog-caption-wide attributes to format images. For example,

     ![Systematic errors in rotation data](/assets/posts/2024-07-31-multivariate-wilson/systematic_error.png){: .blog-image} 
     Example of systematic errors in conventional diffraction data from [Dalton et al]( [(CC-BY license)](
     {: .blog-caption}
  • Inlude the licenses of images from papers or preprints.

For simple posts without figures or equations, you might not need a preview. For more complicated posts, you can run Jekyll locally to get a live preview. Follow these instructions to serve the rs-station page locally for writing or development.

  1. Install ruby and Jekyll by following the instructions in the Jekyll docs
  2. Install the rs-station specific dependencies by running: gem install jekyll-font-awesome-sass github-pages
  3. To start serving the site, run bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload in your local git repository
  4. Navigate to the "Server address" listed in your terminal window. The preview will live update after you make any changes.