A code of conduct for open source projects.
For an overview and usage instructions, please visit contributor-covenant.org
Please feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to improve the language of this pledge.
This code of conduct has been adopted by thousands of open source projects. Here are a few examples:
- 24 Pull Requests
- Algorrent
- All HaskellNow.org Projects
- AngularJS
- angular-formly
- atom
- Babel
- Bundler
- chef-rvm
- CloudI
- CocoaPods
- composer
- Crackle
- Crystal
- diaspora*
- Eldest Daughter Questionnaire
- Electron
- Elixir
- Exercism.io
- Fukuzatsu
- GitLab
- Grape
- Growing Devs
- Hacken.in
- Haskell Fill in the Blanks
- haxe-pixi
- HealingRa.in Projects
- Homebrew-Cask
- HTTPotion
- if me
- lfda
- Jekyll
- JRuby-Gradle
- Lotus
- Mensa
- MeTal
- Monsti CMS
- Mozilla Webmaker
- Moya
- MyPaint
- Neos
- NColony
- OAPI ShieldsUp
- OpenDroneMap
- OpenProject
- Orientation
- Ornament
- Panamax
- Paramore
- Playscii
- pmap
- Puppet Community
- Rack::Attack
- Rails
- RSpec
- ruby-community
- RubyGems.org
- ReactiveX/RxJS
- QA-Tools
- Ruby for Cats
- secure.fail
- Shoes
- Snuffle
- Snipe-IT
- Spree
- vim cheat sheet
- Volt.rb
- WAI-request-spec
- Wisper
- xoreos