Install node it comes bundled with npm (node package manager)
Requires postgres 9.5 and postgis. Create a database called 'georef' and run sql "CREATE EXTENSION postgis;CREATE EXTENSION fuzzystrmatch;" in that db Application settings are in georef/, change to whatever is appropriate
"python -m venv myenv" see To create a virtual environment with a different version of python you need to use vitualenv: C:\Python35\Scripts\virtualenv.exe -p C:\Python27.2\ArcGIS10.1\python.exe myenv To use a virtual env on windows just run activate.bat in cmd
Go to and download the correct & latest version of psycopg2 and gdal With the virtual env activated, do "pip install x.whl" for both
GDAL and psycopg2 do not install well on windows so have to do the above step. But now you can just do "pip install -r requirements.txt" Install front end requirements with npm install (in same directory as package.json)
To do initial database migrations: "python makemigrations" and "python migrate" Any problems with this, wipe your database, delete pycache & 'auto' py files in website/migrations and run again Then do "python runserver"