blackfox: a minimalistic website for pomodoro, todo and habit tracking
philosocratic: a website to compete with your friends on an educational philosophical website (v2 revamp in progress)
heLM: a website that introduces the heLM project (under progress)
turtlepyrecreate: an image recreation tool with Python turtle
macstdc++.h: a script to get #include <bits/stdc++.h> to work on macOS
homebrewinstall: a script to install homebrew with sudo privileges
monkeytypeword: CSS to disguise monkeytype as Microsoft Word
pkgexpand: a script to expand pkg files without sudo privileges
colemakvim: a tutorial to have colemak vim bindings without plugins
Contact Me
- On IRC: nick: yuljg, freenode + libera
- On Signal
gentoo dwm colemak btw