A simple script using html, css, and d3.js, to interactively visualize different sorting methods on random data.
This project is currently in development. Users can generate a new random array by refreshing the page, change the size of the array via a slider, and bubble sort, insertion sort, and selection sort all work and show each sorting step. Future plans include adding the other sorting algorithms, such as quick sort, merge sort, etc., adding labels for the sizes of the bars, and adding a slider to control how fast or slow the algorithms sort.
To run this program, you will need to install the d3.js library with npm install d3
or add the following lines of code to the header of your html:
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3.v7.min.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="https://d3js.org/d3-scale.v3.min.js"></script>
for scaling
So far I have been working on this project since Nov./Dec. of 2021, but have not worked on it as consistently as I would like due to business in my personal life and focus on other projects.
I originally got the idea for this from Clement Mihailescu's YouTube video where he made a similar program using React seen here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFXYym4Wbkc&ab_channel=Cl%C3%A9mentMihailescu
However, I was new to HTML, CSS, and Javascript, and I wanted to strengthen my abilities with them as well as my knowledge of data structures and algorithms, hence why I decided to build it from scratch instead of relying on a framework and trying to run before I could walk so to speak. This is also my first "real" project I have worked on and essentially finished.
Some challenges I ran into early on were getting used to d3.js enter()
, update()
, and exit()
methods. Implementing the generate random array button was relatively easy, while the slider took longer.
The biggest challenge I ran into was getting the bar chart to update each step as the algorithm sorted the array. At first I was only able to get the final sorted graph to display, so I created a draw()
function and used setInterval
to control how quickly each graph was drawn compared to how quickly it was being sorted with the nested for loops in the bubblesort()
Currently I am working on adding more sorting algorithms and adding more features, such as a rate slider, labels for the bars, and eventually a drop-down menu for the algs once I add in enough of them.
I hope to continue adding more and more sorting algorithms and eventually giving the user the choice to display multiple graphs at once and compare each sorting algorithm on them at the same time.