This release contains the usual round of package version updates (sadly no new packages for this one), plus a major Windows fix that prevented Qt GUI elements from running in GNU Radio.
Updated software radio packages:
- digital_rf 2.6.9
- gnuradio
- gqrx 2.17.5
- hackrf 2024.02.1
- libm2k 0.8.0
- soapysdr-module-plutosdr 0.2.2
Other updated packages:
- ipython 8.24.0
- matplotlib 3.8.4
- numpy 1.26.4
- pandas 2.2.2
- python 3.11.9
- scipy 1.13.1
- Fixed "ImportError: DLL load failed while importing qtgui_python" (#78). A bug in PyQt caused non-radioconda libraries to be loaded in certain circumstances, causing the error and failure to load Qt graphical components. A workaround has been implemented while a proper fix to PyQt is considered.
- Fixed "gqrx doesn't launch from menu shortcut on Windows" (#89). A change in conda menu installation caused the gqrx shortcut to not work, and this has now been fixed by updating the shortcut.