google Apis Oauth2 authorization with hubot.
You can test your hubot by running the following.
You can start hubot-gmail-notify locally by running:
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your google project client id
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your google project client secret
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL=your google project redirect Url
export REDIS_URL=redis://
export HUBOT_SLACK_TOKEN=your slack token
Env Name | Description |
HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID | Google Developers Console Project. Client ID |
HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET | Google Developers Console Project. Client Secret |
HUBOT_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL | Google Developers Console Project. Redirect Url |
REDIS_URL | hubot brain redis settings |
Example Gmail APIs Auth authorization.
Gmail Auth Scope Find
Hubot> hubot google oauth scope help
Shell: Google Apis Authorizing OAuth2 scope help.
Google Apis Drive scope.
Google Apis Calender scope.
Google Apis BigQuery scope.
Google Apis Gmail scope.
more Apis.
Gmail Read Only Permission scope set
Hubot> hubot google oauth set scope
Shell: Google Oauth scope set.
Hubot> hubot google oauth generate auth url
Shell: Auth URL{your client id}&redirect_uri=urn%3Aietf%3Awg%3Aoauth%3A2.0%3Aoob
respond URL copy access to Browser. Google Auth ACL confirm Page push accept botton. Please keep the code that is displayed in response to the request
Hubot> Hubot google oauth set token {your get code}
Hubot> Shell: token set Credentials
access_token: {access_token}
refresh_token: {refresh token}
expiry_date: 1419773035086
Token information is saved in hubot.brain When you run this command
# find
hubot google gmail get messages list
# label Name find
hubot google gmail get messages list labelName:{your setting label name}
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID=your google project client id
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET=your google project client secret
export HUBOT_GOOGLE_REDIRECT_URL=your google project redirect Url
export GOOGLE_ACCESS_TOKEN=your google API access_token
export GOOGLE_REFRESH_TOKEN=your google API refresh token
mocha --compilers coffee:coffee-script/register --recursive -R spec -t 5000
Mocha to Hubot Reference URL Testable Hubot - TDDでテストを書きながらbotを作る
Add the following code in your external-scripts.json file.
% ['hubot-google-apis-oauth']
To enable scripts from the hubot-scripts package, add the script name with
extension as a double quoted string to the hubot-scripts.json
file in this
Hubot is able to load scripts from third-party npm
package. Check the package's documentation, but in general it is:
- Add the packages as dependencies into your
npm install
to make sure those packages are installed- Add the package name to
as a double quoted string
You can review external-scripts.json
to see what is included by default.
If you are going to use the hubot-redis-brain
(strongly suggested), you will need to add the Redis to Go addon on Heroku which requires a verified
account or you can create an account at Redis to Go and manually
% heroku config:add REDISTOGO_URL="..."
If you don't require any persistence feel free to remove the
from external-scripts.json
and you don't need to worry
about redis at all.
Adapters are the interface to the service you want your hubot to run on. This can be something like Campfire or IRC. There are a number of third party adapters that the community have contributed. Check Hubot Adapters for the available ones.
If you would like to run a non-Campfire or shell adapter you will need to add
the adapter package as a dependency to the package.json
file in the
Once you've added the dependency and run npm install
to install it you can
then run hubot with the adapter.
% bin/hubot -a <adapter>
Where <adapter>
is the name of your adapter without the hubot-
% heroku create --stack cedar
% git push heroku master
If your Heroku account has been verified you can run the following to enable and add the Redis to Go addon to your app.
% heroku addons:add redistogo:nano
If you run into any problems, checkout Heroku's docs.
You'll need to edit the Procfile
to set the name of your hubot.
More detailed documentation can be found on the deploying hubot onto Heroku wiki page.
If you would like to deploy to either a UNIX operating system or Windows. Please check out the deploying hubot onto UNIX and deploying hubot onto Windows wiki pages.
You may want to get comfortable with heroku logs
and heroku restart
if you're having issues.