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This is the source code for It'll probably take a lot of tweaking to get it to work for you, but at least it's up here! =)

Instructions for setting up:

  1. If you use Vagrant, the included Vagrantfile will set up a bunch of things for you. If you don't use Vagrant, look at the Vagrantfile for ideas on what to install.
  2. Copy config/database.yml.sample to database.yml and customize it for your setup. Create the accompanying databases. If you would like to run your databases within the virtual machine, you may want to apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client.
  3. Copy config/initializers/secret_token.rb.sample to config/initializers/secret_token.rb and update it.

To start with an empty database, run rake db:schema:load. Alternatively, you may want to run rake db:setup, which will set up the database with an admin user. The admin user will have the password "testpasswordgoeshere".

If you use Emacs, see lisp/quantified.el.

Other useful building steps:

rake bower:install

If you're creating your own instance, here's how to set up an admin user using rails console:

u = User.create(email: '[email protected]', username: 'test', password: 'testpassword', password_confirmation: 'testpassword')
u.role = 'admin'!

Environment variables to set: