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Data Structures (old)

Sahil edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 1 revision

This list contains the data structures that could be implemented/explained.

1. Beginner:

Arrays and Lists; operations & related DS

  • Array (Both sorted and unsorted)
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Insertion in array
Deletion in array delete-array-cpp
Array doubling and amortized complexity array-doubling-cpp
Dynamic Arrays dynamic-arrays-cpp
Vector (C++ STL) vector-cpp
Array Rotation array-rotation-cpp
  • Linked Lists (Both sorted and unsorted)
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Insertion, Deletion, Search, Traversal, Reversal list-implementation-cpp
Reverse Linked List reverse-ll-cpp
Add numbers using Linked Lists add-ll-cpp
Multiply numbers using Linked Lists multiply-ll-cpp
Merge Sort using Linked Lists merge-sort-ll-cpp
List using STL (C++) list-stl-cpp
Forward List in STL (C++) forward-list-cpp
Floyd Cycle Detection ll-cycle-detect-java
Partition Linked Lists around a value ll-partition-java
Check whether linked list is a palindrome ll-palindrome-java
Check for intersection of two linked lists intersection-ll-java
Delete middle node from Linked List delete-middle-java


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Stack using arrays stack-array-cpp
Stack using linked lists stack-ll-cpp
STL stack (C++) stl-stack
Infix to Postfix converstion infix-to-postfix-cpp
Implement Stack using queues
Stack that supports getMin in O(1) time and O(1) space


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Queue using arrays queue-array-cpp
Queue using linked lists queue-ll-cpp
STL queue (C++) stl-queue
Implement queue using stacks
Circular queue implementation
Doubly ended queue implementation
Max Priority Queue max-pq-cpp
Min Priority Queue min-pq-cpp
STL priority queue (C++) stl-pq


Title c cpp java python blog post
Implementation of HashMap hashmap-cpp

2. Intermediate

Tree related Data Structures

Binary Trees, BST, Generic Trees

Title c cpp java python blog post
Construct binary tree from traversal construct-binary-tree-cpp
Diameter of binary tree dia-btree-cpp
Generic Tree implementation generic-tree-cpp generic-tree-java
Binary Search Tree implementation bst-cpp
Convert linked list to BST ll-to-bst-cpp
Largest BST in a binary tree largest-bst-cpp
Morris traversal of a tree morris-traversal-cpp
Check whether two n-ary trees are mirrors check-nary-trees
STL map (C++) stl-map
STL set (C++) stl-set
Check subtree of a tree check-subtree-cpp
Least Common Ancestor algorithms (Naive, Binary Lifting, RMQ) lca-algos-cpp


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Heap Implementation heap-cpp
STL priority queue (max heap) stl-pq-max
STL priority queue (min heap) stl-pq-min
Merge two heaps merge-heaps-cpp

Disjoint Set Union

Title c cpp java python blog post
Disjoint Set Union implementation

Segment Trees

Title c cpp java python blog post
Segment Tree implementation seg-tree-cpp
Lazy Propagation in Segment Tree seg-lazy-cpp


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Trie implementation trie-cpp
Pattern matching with trie DS pattern-matching-trie-cpp

Additional features in C++ :

  • Iterators and ranges
  • Policy-based data structures

3. Advanced (Not a priority for those studying for Interns/Placements):

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Binary Indexed Trees bit-cpp
Interval Tree
Suffix Array
Sparse Table
Suffix Automation
Suffix Tree

4. Expert (Not a priority for those studying for Interns/Placements):

  • Heavy-light decomposition
  • Treap / Cartesian Tree
  • K-d Tree
  • Link-cut Tree
  • Splay Tree
  • Palindromic Tree
  • Rope, Dancing Links
  • Radix Tree
  • Dynamic Suffix Array


  1. Data Structures List GFG
  2. CodeChef Discuss: List of DS Algo
  3. Quora: List of DS that a competitive programmer must know