Secure Distributed File System
Members: Nataraj Kaushik Sameer Vijaykar
To build:
- Make sure you have JDK version 1.6 or higher.
- Run the following command from the directory containing this file. ant
To run:
To run the server, enter the following command (the argument to the command is the password to the server's keystore) ./server server
To run the client, enter the following command (the arguments to the command are the alias for the client [node_a, node_b, node_c], the port on which to bind the client on (make sure to use different ports if running multiple clients on localhost), and the password for the client's keystore [nodea, nodeb, nodec]) ./client node_a 11111 nodea
Test cases:
The client reads and write files from the "data/files/<client_alias>" directory in the current folder. The files "file1.txt" and "file2.txt" have already been created here for testing purposes. The following commands can be run to test various use cases:
$server> ./server server
$client1> ./client node_a 11111 nodea $client1> start localhost $client1> put file1.txt $client1> get file1.txt
$client2> ./client node_b 22222 nodeb $client2> start localhost $client2> put file2.txt $client2> get file2.txt
$client3> ./client node_c 33333 nodec
$client1> get file2.txt ## will fail $client2> get file1.txt ## will fail
$client1> delegate file1.txt node_b localhost:22222 120 read write # A gives B read and write access to file1.txt for 2 minutes $client2> get file1.txt ## succeeds $client2> put file2.txt ## succeeds $client2> delegate file1.txt node_c localhost:33333 300 read ##will fail # B tries to delegate file1.txt to C, but fails
$client2> delegate file2.txt node_a localhost:11111 120 read delegate # B gives A read and delegate access to file2.txt for 2 minutes $client1> get file2.txt ## succeeds $client1> put file2.txt ## will fail $client1> delegate file2.txt node_c localhost:33333 300 read write # A gives C read and write access to file2.txt for 2 minutes $client3> get file2.txt ## succeeds $client3> put file2.txt ## will fail as A didn't have permission to delegate "write" rights
$client3> get file2.txt ## will fail as B had only given access to A for 120 seconds