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=== WPeMatico ===
Contributors: etruel
Donate link:
Tags: RSS, RSS to Post, Feed to Post, rss aggregator, Feed, Feeds, syndication, Post, Posts, aggregation, atom, autoblog, bot, content, writing
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.3.1
Stable tag: trunk
License: GPLv2 or later

This is for autoblogging. Post automatically from RSS/Atom feeds organized into campaigns. Drinks a coffee meanwhile WPeMatico publishes your posts.

== Description ==

WPeMatico is for autoblogging, automatically creating posts from the RSS/Atom feeds you choose, which are organized into campaigns. 

Requires PHP >= 5.3

For RSS fetching uses the Simplepie library included in Wordpress or force use of external library.
Also for image processing uses the core functions of wordpress or if fails, tries with custom functions with or without cURL.

If you like, please [Rate 5 Stars]( on Wordpress. Thanks! :)

Some supported features (but not all of them):

* Campaigs Feeds and options are organized into campaigns.
* Comfortable interface like Worpress posts editing for every campaign.
* Multiple feeds / categories: it’s possible to add as many feeds as you want, and add them to some categories as you want.
* Integrated with the Simplepie library that come with Wordpress.  This includes RSS 0.91 and RSS 1.0 formats, the popular RSS 2.0 format, Atom...
* Feed autodiscovery, which lets you add feeds without even knowing the exact URL. (Thanks Simplepie!)
* Unix cron and WordPress cron jobs For maximum performance, you can make the RSS fetching process be called by a Unix cron job, or simply let WordPress handle it.
* Images caching are integrated with Wordpress Media Library and posts attach. upload remote images or link to source. Fully configurable.
* Auto add categories from source posts.
* First image attached to a post marked as Featured Image of the post.
* Words Rewriting. Regular expressions supported.
* Words Relinking. Define custom links for words you specify.
* Words to Category. Define custom words for assign every post to specified categories.
* Detailed Log sending to custom e-mail. Always on every executed cron or only on errors with campaign.
* Option to replace title links (Permalink) to source.
* Post templating. 
* Now you can choose what role can see the dashboard widget.
* Multilanguage ready.

= Some extra PRO features =
* Option for attempt to get Full Content of source site.
* Fixes and correct wrong HTML on content.
* Delete last HTML tag option.
* Import feed list to a campaign.
* Automatic create author names based on source or custom typed author.
* Words count filters. Count how many words are in content for assign a category or skip the post.
* Also the content can be converted to text and cutted at wanted amount of words or letters.
* Keywords filtering. You can determine skip the post for certain words in title or content.
* Custom fields feature for fetched posts with values generated by template fields.
* Filter Featured image by width or height on every post.
* Default Featured image if not found image on content.
* Custom title with counter.
* Strip HTML Tags from titles.
* Automatic generate tags taken from content words. With filters.
* From Version 1.1.95 I added support for autotags in chinese language. You must ask to author email or in plugin website for the add-on "WPeMatico chinese tags" . Take in mind that there is not perfect, but better than nothing ;)
* Filter and delete images in posts content just by width or height of every image.

= Current Add-ons =
* [WPeMatico PRO]( Don't decides pay monthly fees until you see all the features you can have with a onetime payment.
* [cats2tags]( Takes the categories of the item while fetching feed and convert them to tags automatically before insert the post.
* [WPeMatico SMTP]( Add compatibility to use SMTP email method to send emails only for WPeMatico Logs.
* [TXT Config Files editor]( A "must have" plugin if you are using PRO Version and want to setup exactly how and what take the specific content of source pages.
* Chinese tags: Automatic generate tags taken from content phrases. For chinese language. Ask for this to the author or on support forums.

Translations ready. .pot english file included for translate.  Translations files are welcome.
I take code from many many other plugins, but for the first beta versions of this plugin I read a lot of code of the old WP-o-Matic and also old versions of BackWPUp. I'm talking about 2009 or 2010.  Thanks to the developers ;)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 

Author page in spanish:[NetMdP]( 
Plugin and Add-ons page:[](

== Installation ==

You can either install it automatically from the WordPress admin, or do it manually:

= Using the Plugin Manager =

1. Click Plugins
2. Click Add New
3. Search for `wpematico`
4. Click Install
5. Click Install Now
6. Click Activate Plugin
7. Now you must see WPeMatico Item on Wordpress menu

= Manually =

1. Upload `wpematico` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Screenshots ==

1. Dashboard Widget and menu.

2. The table list of campaigns and some info of everyone.

3. Quick edit campaigns inline.

4. Simplepie feed reader Settings.

5. Duplicates, Cron and other tools in Settings page.

6. Editing campaign.  Feeds list and Scheduler.

7. Editing campaign.  Other Settings.

8. Enabling PRO features and License key for automatic upgrades.

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= I have this plugin installed and activated.  What must I do now ? =

* OK, now you have in wordpress admin a new area below posts called WPeMatico.  At settings, setup configuration items. At Campaigns you must add one, in there add one or few feeds with options you choose.  You can use a campaign for grouping feeds for a category or another custom topic that you want.

= Upgrading FREE or PRO versions =

* You can make automatic upgrade from wordpress plugins page or replace files through FTP.

= Is there any way to import embedded videos from feed content and add that code into my posts?  =
* To allow video embeds in post contents you must allow the tags 'iframe' and 'embed' in Simplepie library into **WPeMatico Settings**. See below:

* **Change SimplePie HTML tags to strip**

> base,blink,body,doctype,font,form,frame,frameset,html,input,marquee,

> meta,noscript,object,param,script,style

= Where can I get PROfessional version or other Add-Ons? =

* [ store](

= Where can I ask/see more questions? =

* [Search tips on this page](

= Contributions =

You can contribute with WPeMatico
Needed translation files: if you can translate from english to any language, you are welcome.
The .pot file are included on plugin and you must use poedit for tranlate.  
Your work, name and website will be mentioned here.

Features supported by
Thomas from [Invade It](
Filter images by width or height.

Eli from [Eli the Computer Guy](  
Made an excelent video on Youtube [Use WPeMatico to Create a Free WordPress AutoBlog for Legitimate Purposes](  
Later I've added subtitles and added to [Description]( page of this plugin.

Branco [](  
Romanian & Slovak languages files.

Also we need tutorials on text, pdf, videos.  All are welcome.
You can send your files to [NetMdP](
or to e-mail [email protected]

== Changelog ==

= 1.2.6 =
* Added a Section on Wordpress Settings->Writing for allow to change WPeMatico Menu position.
* Fixes filters for metadata that wasn't adds custom fields.
* Better process an error response on wp_remote_request on non WP_error objects.
* [PRO] must download version 1.2.6 [PRO](
* Fixes custom fields feature that not works on some cases.
* [/PRO]

= =
* Removes SMTP mail method and added as Add-on.
* Fixes Settings page for servers without mcrypt PHP extension. 
* Added Filters and Actions for new Add-ons.

= =
* Fixes white screen on Settings page when uses PHP < 5.4
* Added Wordpress filters to every item inserted on new posts. 
* [PRO] must download version [PRO](
* Added 'Strip HTML Tags From Title' option to Campaign Custom Title Options.
* [/PRO]

= 1.2.5 =
* Improved uploads and automatic filenames.
* Fixes attachments to Wordpress media when uploading already existing filenames.
* Fixes Featured images and image urls with '%' in its paths.
* Fixes rawurlencode of feeds with spaces in its url.
* First attempt to avoid false positives on malware detection by removing encoding as base64 of smtp password. This means if you are using SMTP for emails you must input and save the password again... thanks mediocre antivirus...
* Added new filters to fix "Post title links to source" on TwentyFifteen and other new themes.
* Added .jpeg extension to allowed files to upload.
* Fixes saving Word to category RegEx fields.
* Fixes checking Regular expressions on save campaign.
* [PRO] must download version 1.2.5 [PRO](
* Fixes saving Keyword filters.
* [/PRO]

= =
* Fix, when file extension is not allowed strip the image link to source if it is selected.
* Fix, now image extensions can be uppercases too.
* Added wordpress filter to change files upload by extension.

= 1.2.4 =
* Fixed, checkboxes don't saves sometimes on campaign quick edit.
* Several tweaks and improvements.
* Divided Settings into new tabs system.
* Rethinking images improves on downloading and uploading files, timeouts and server loads.
* Added wpematico_img_src_url WP filter to allow modifications before downloads. (ex: to get full image instead of thumbnails)
* Added Debug Info tab on Settings.
* Removes smtp credentials values when selected PHP:mail as send method in Settings to avoid pass saving window on browser.
* [PRO] must download version 1.2.4 [PRO](
* Fixes Author per feed url don't being saved.
* Integrated PRO Settings and Licenses screens in tabs inside WPeMatico Settings item menu.
* Fixes a bug with var that may delete tags in some cases.
* Better performance on getting remotes files.
* New: Now with "Cut at" left first image of content as featured image.
* [/PRO]

= 1.2.3 =
* Some minor fixes.
* Removed Quick edit when campaign is running.
* Fixes a critical bug when is attempting to get full content on PRO Version.
* Fixes forced autotags if tags field are blank on PRO version.

= 1.2.2 =
* Added a clock above of campaigns list.  Useful for tests with crons.
* Fixes a critical bug when is going to send an email after fetch a campaign.
* Fixes reset stats to 0 when save a campaign. Now just reset with quick action on campaigns list.
* Improved use of bad tags in auto tags feature on PRO version.

= 1.2.1 =
* New option to set a throttle between inserted posts to give a break for small servers.
* Added better control on checking php 5.3 as requirement.
* Added custom function to get plugin version to fix Warning: fopen(), fread() and fclose().
* Tweaks to automatic upgrades with license key on PRO Version.
* Fixes permalink filter on Post title links to source feature.

= 1.2 =
* Mayor upgrade. Backup your database and deactivate PRO version (for last time) before upgrade!
* Fixed: Quick edit lost some fields values and bad columns after save.
* Fixed: Rewrite input fields not saved in campaign.
* Fixed: Almost all PHP notices were taken off.
* Fixed: external cron broken call wpe-cron.php.
* Fixed: columns data and order on campaign list.
* New: Option to disable saving campaign custom fields on every post.
* New: Option to allow external cron for WPeMatico without deactivate all WP Crons.
* New: Option to write a log file for external cron.
* New: Log file for external cron try to be saved in uploads folder, if can't try on same dir (app).
* Improved fetching Videos from FEED content.
* New: Added Option to shows a button to empty trash on all (custom) post types you want.
* Fixes correct encode decode SMTP email password.
* New: Default values on Settings to Sender email and name for logs.
* Fixed: better sanitize image names before save using WP filters.
* Fixed: dequeue script Autosave.
* [PRO] must download version 1.2 [PRO](
* New feature: License key to launch automatic upgrades.
* Automatic Upgrades from wordpress plugins page.
* Removed the hated requirement to upgrade: Remember deactivate PRO version before upgrade. That there is not necessary now.
* Fixed: don't crash website when upgrade WPeMatico free or is not activated. 
* Fixed: get automatically Image URL when select image in gallery for Default Featured image. 
* New: Checked required versions to run with free version.
* Removed 1 min. cron feature and HTML lawed for better performance.
* [/PRO]

= 1.2 Beta =
* New Feature: Post Formats to posts of a campaign.
* New Feature: Quick Edit in campaigns list.
* New options for SimplePie Filters on Settings. Strip attributtes and other interesting things.
* New tips help to better layout on Settings and campaign edit pages.
* New system messages to allow some new notices through plugin actions.
* Added checked categories in campaign to top of list.
* Added option to jump and continue fetching a feed when found a duplicate.
* Added option Pending as status to posts of a campaign.
* Added control to save data before allow run the Campaign.
* Added log file to external cron.
* Improvements to use Wordpress core Categories function for metabox instead of custom function.
* Improvements to check url feeds when sometimes got Error on true feeds.
* Improvements in ajax funtions checking url feeds.
* Removed deprecated tools page to import old campaigns of plugin 0.xx versions.
* Fixes page name for Settings Page to avoid overwrite other setting pages.
* Fixes saving author selected in campaign.
* Fixes Quick add campaign in category checked after save.
* Fixes Reset Campaign also clear last Log.
* Changed file_get_contents to wp_remote_get that uses multiples methods to get remote images in best way.

= 1.1.96 =
* Fixes tags issue reported on forums after last upgrade.

= 1.1.95 =
* Added some filters to make plugin upgradable by modules or add-ons. This is just the beginning.
* Added support for autotags in chinese language. Take in mind that there is not perfect, but better than nothing ;)
* Some minor fixes on PHP Warning when running a campaign in manual mode.
* Fixes campaign log page to works also on WordPress Multitenancy environments. (Thanks Relevad)

= 1.1.94 =
* Some minor fixes to show uploaded images with urldecode in its filename.
* Fixes a bug seeing log of campaign.

= 1.1.93 =
* Some minor fixes. Droped many PHP notices.
* [PRO] must download version 1.1.93 [PRO](
* New feature: Filter Featured image by width or height on every post.
* [/PRO]

= 1.1.92 =
* Tested with Wordpress 4.2alpha
* Some minor fixes.
* Some fixes and descriptions on Readme file :)
* [PRO] must download version 1.1.92 [PRO](
* New feature: Now you can filter images by width or height in new posts.
* [/PRO]

= 1.1.91 =
* Fixes and improved methods to download remote images on RSS feeds.

= 1.1.9 =
* Compatible with php 5.4. A really lot of Strict Standars PHP Warning and notices fixed.
* Wordpress 3.8 compatibility.
* New methods for check duplicated posts(types). !!!
* Improved methods to download remote images on RSS feeds.
* Improved method to save custom meta field with source permalink.
* Fixes disabling WP autosave feature php notices.
* Fixes Content-Type to UTF-8 on Last Log campaign popup window.
* Some cosmetic fixes.

= 1.1.8 =
* New feature: Now you can rewrite part of Post titles too.
* Wordpress 3.7 compatibility.

= 1.1.7 =
* Fixes duplicate image uploads that was in some cases with PRO Version installed.
* Fixes that don't generate all images sizes when attach files to posts.
* Some minor changes.
* [PRO] must download version 1.1.7 [PRO](
* Fixes and removed the "rare" code displayed on log when fetch rss images.
* Fixes KeywordFilter when select both title and content for search on "any" field.
* Added file getcontent.php for custom edit and use with CURL if you need it.
* Added tags for custom title feature: {title} and {counter} and will be replaced on custom title field.
* [/PRO]

= 1.1.6 =
* Replaced DEPRECATED functions for be more compatible with WP3.6.
* Some minor changes.
* [PRO]
* Fixes autotags feature that not work on some cases.
* [/PRO]

= 1.1.5 =
* New feature for allow or not duplicates posts.
* Fixes adding categories and tags to posts.  
* Screenshots optimized reduce the plugin size.
* Some styles improvements.
* Thanks for donate Mark :)

= 1.1.4 =
* Just removed a link in a PHP comment that is taken as malware.

= 1.1.3 =
* Added timeout on running campaigns.  This feature  automaticly Clear/Stop halted campaigns after some period of time.
* Fixes use of wp_create_category and wp_insert_category functions that sometimes won't works.
* Fixes some styles that were working only on Firefox.  

= 1.1.2 =
* Added New feature: Now you can run all or selected campaigns at once on campaigns list.
* Improved some ajax notifications.
* Fixes some styles that changes with WP3.5.
* Added example of use of images with [gallery] shortcode on post template.
* Upgraded package SimplePie to version 1.3.1.
* Added SimplePie: Server Compatibility Test 1.3, for check if the plugin will work on server.
* Fixes loading localization textdomain.
* Fixes some issues with I18n.
* Added Romanian & Slovak languages files. 

= 1.1.1 =
* Added New feature: Auto categories from source posts (were available).
* Improved images size.
* Updated language files. pot, es_ES. Spanish Language.
* Small fix with item date.
* Fixes some files coded as ANSI instead UTF-8
* Fixes (when fetching) The RegEx stripslashes in "Word to Category" and "rewriting options".

= 1.1 =
* Added tags list to assign to posts in every campaign.
* Added Feed date feature to use the datetime of source post.
* Added {image} tag to post template for show featured image url into post content.
* Added New option for strip links from post content.
* Added also to general Settings no link external images.
* Fixes resets some fields when save campaign.
* Fixes The RegEx stripslashes in "Word to Category" and "rewriting options".
* Some fixes related with images and images urls on media library.
* Added Spanish language File.
* [PRO]
* Added Custom fields feature for fetched posts with values generated by template fields.
* Added Auto generate tags, getting tags from post content.
* Added images on enclosure media tags on feeds.
* Fixes an issue on Add feed image to full-content on PRO Version.
* Default Featured image if not found image on content. Link or Upload new image from campaign.
* Added strip HTML filter also to feed content as full-content.
* [/PRO]

= 1.0.2 =
* Fixes many DEPRECATED PHP notices on log and cron interrupted: upgraded Simplepie library to 1.3. 
* New option on advanced settings to force use of Simplepie library in plugin. Simplepie provided by WP is not compatible with PHP 5.3.
* Added options for skip Wordpress Post content filters. Beta. (this is for allow embed code like flash or videos on posts)
* Fixes some other minor details.

= 1.0.1 =
* Fixes not run for more than five campaigns.
* Fixed? problem with filter function wp_mail_content_type
* Trying to do more compatible with plugins that use public custom posts urls: Added 'public' => false and 'exclude_from_search' => true to custom post type 'campaign'.
* Added new file for run external cron alone without call wp-cron.
* New website for plugin [WPeMatico](

= 1.0 =

This is a really update. Lot of things that you asked for, are ready in 1.0 version.

* Now use Wordpress custom post types for campaigns.
* Now you can move and close metaboxes.
* Now you can paginate and filter campaigns list by name.
* Now we have an image background at WP repository. :)
* Improved feed list with scroll into campaign.
* Improved feed search filter.
* Better help.
* Better performance.
* Colored boxes for knowing what I'm doing.
* More options on Settings.
* New logo and images.
* Totally translatable. 
* Better use of Ajax.
* Better use of class SimplePie included into Wordpress core.
* Deactivated Wordpress Autosave only editing WPeMatico campaigns.
* Automatic check fields values before save campaign without reload page and/or lost fields content.
* Option to activate or deactivate automatic feed check before save campaign.
* Added option for test only one feed.
* Added description field for every campaign.
* New option to del hash on feeds for fetch duplicated posts. (Advanced config)
* New option to see last log of every campaign. (Advanced config)
* Now you can Disable Check Feeds before Save. (Advanced config)
* Now you can choose which roles can see the dashboard widget.
* Fixes rewrite to also rewrite html code.
* First image on content as WP feature image.
* Now support relative paths for upload images from source content.
* [PRO]
* Option to automatic create author names based on source or custom typed author.
* Option to assign author per feed, instead campaign or both options.
* Option for correct and fix wrong html code with a lot of options from htmLawed.
* [/PRO]

= 0.91.1Beta =
* [PRO]
* Added New Feature: Fetch every 1 Minute.
* [/PRO]
* Fixes minor but important thing about duplicating posts.
* Fixes minnor layout bugs on Settings.

= 0.90Beta =
* [PRO]
* Added New Feature: Attempt to get Full Content.
* [/PRO]
* First image attached to a post marked as Featured Image of the post.
* Added support for Wordpress Custom Post Types
* Added check Feeds before save campaign.
* Fixes layout thing with schedule options.
* Updated Frequently Asked Questions.
* Updated donate link with paypal.

= 0.85Beta =
* [PRO]
* Added New Feature: Custom Title with counter.
* [/PRO]
* Added {author} tag for retrieve the name of the Author of the post. 
* Added {authorlink} tag for retrieve the original link of the Author of the post.
* Added new method for check duplicate posts also with the source permalink.
* Added option for display or not the dashboard widget.
* Fixes automatic update issue bettwen standard and Pro versions.
* Fixes some display issues in Keyword Filters box in PRO.
* Wordpress 3.3.1 compatibility.

= 0.84Beta =
* Wordpress 3.3 compatibility.
* small fix with php function str_replace

= 0.83Beta =
* New PRO version available at website.
* [PRO]
* 	New features: Delete last HTML tag option, Words count filters, Keywords filtering.
* 	New options for enable or not new features: Words count filters, Keywords filtering.
* 	Words count filters. Count how many words are in content for assign a category or skip the post.
* 	Also the content can be converted to text and cutted at wanted amount of words or letters.
* 	Keywords filtering. You can determine skip the post for certain words in title or content.
* [/PRO]
* Fixes images process after rewrite functions for not upload deleted images at content.
* Fixes spaces at images names.
* Fixes little duplicate thing on titles with special chars. 

= 0.82Beta =
* New option for enable or not the new feature: Words to Category.
* Words to Category. Define custom words for assign every post to specified categories.
* Fixes "No link to source images" Hide/show option on click "Enable cache img" 
* Added "checking" image near "Check all feeds" button.

= 0.81Beta =
* Wordpress 3.2.1 compatible.
* Add ‘Activate/Deactivate’ to options in campaign's table.
* Fixes when click “Add more” in Rewrite, the form appears in the Post template section.

= 0.8Beta =
* Upgrade only for Wordpress 3.1 compatibility.

= 0.7Beta =
* Wordpress 3.0.4 compatible.
* Fixes now check for duplicates on draft, private and published post.
* Added {feeddescription} tag.
* Fixes some issues in template post tags.

= 0.6Beta =
* Added Post template feature in every campaign.

= 0.5Beta =
* Fixes Post title links to source option.
* .pot language file updated.
* Readme.txt updated.
* Merry Christmas 2010. Jesus lives.

= 0.4Beta =
* Fixes some issues on rewriting words & links.
* Fixes links in Dashboard widget.
* Fixes the Allow Ping option issue.
* Change log e-mail to html format.
* New options added for enable or disable image cache in every campaign.
* New options added for not link to source image on error at image cache upload in every campaign.
* Fixes Tested up field on Readme.txt

= 0.3Beta =
* Fixes issue in 1st feed for checking.
* Fixes bug Warning & Error messages on running campaign.
* Added Go Back button on error saving and get the old values.
* Added 2 more Screenshots on Wordpress repository.
* Readme.txt updated.

= 0.2Beta =
* Fixes version number.
* Fixes wrong message when activating.
* Deleted .mo & .po files, replacing with new wordpress generated .pot

= 0.1Beta =
* initial release
* [more info in spanish, en español](

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.2.6 =
* Added cool new features and few fixes.


No description, website, or topics provided.






No releases published


No packages published