Appium is an HTTP based UI testing framework for web, mobile, and hybrid applications. Appium helps us confirm successful navigational functionality by allowing us to automate the navigation process.
npm install
npx pod-install
npm run appium-doctor-android
and troubleshoot any issues.npm run appium-doctor-ios
and troubleshoot any issues.
Simply put, Appium is a server that can communicate with your iOS/Android emulator. As such, we must launch the Appium server and the desired emulator(s).
- In a separate terminal, run
npm run appium-server
- In the original terminal, run
npm run android
to launch the app in the Android emulator npm run ios
to launch the app in the iOS emulator.
To run the tests, simply enter:
npm run appium-test -- --os=android
ornpm run appium-test -- --os=ios
By default, the Android tests will be run.
Carthage can be installed with the command
brew install carthage
Your .bashrc or .zshrc file should contain the following environment variables to satisfy appium-doctor-android requirements.
export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/Library/Android/sdk
export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/adoptopenjdk-8.jdk/Contents/Home
export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin