This is a simple Daijishou platform repository fork adding some extra platforms to Daijishou
Open Daijishou
Click on Download
Click on Index Uri
- Android
- Flash (check here for how to install)
- Nintendo 64 DD (the default n64 platform lets you play n64dd games too, this is just a separate tab to keep things clean)
- P8 Player (as a platform, dummy.p8p required)
- PSP Minis (the default psp platform lets you play minis games too, this is just a separate tab to keep things clean)
- Super Mario Maker World Engine (dummy.smm required)
- Tomb Raider Game Engine
Some particular platforms need files called Dummies.
Here's how to install a dummy:
- Create a folder called "Dummies"
- Download from here the required dummy file
- Place it in the Dummies folder
- Download the desired platform
- Go into Path and select the Dummies folder
- Sync
Note: if your browser downloads the dummy as a text file, remove the .txt extension
Remember that this repo contains only homebrews, so it's recommended to switch back to the magneticchen index after finishing installing the desired platform. The platforms are unofficial so they will not be supported by magneticchen (and also not by me, as I'm noob as a developer and lazy as a person).