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vgrid_jupyter: Jupyter integration for VGrid

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This repository provides a plugin for using the VGrid javascript library in a Jupyter notebook.


You must have Python 3 and npm already installed.

From pip

pip3 install vgrid_jupyter
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix vgrid_jupyter

From source

git clone
cd vgrid_jupyter
npm install
npm run build
npm link @wcrichto/vgrid # run this if you also installed vgrid from source
pip3 install -e .
jupyter nbextension install --py --sys-prefix --symlink vgrid_jupyter
jupyter nbextension enable --py --sys-prefix vgrid_jupyter


This module exports one class VGridWidget that embeds VGrid in a Jupyter cell. See the VGrid documentation for explanation of the VGrid Python API.

from rekall import Interval, IntervalSet, Bounds3D, IntervalSetMapping
from vgrid import VGridSpec, VideoMetadata, VideoBlockFormat, LabelState
from vgrid_jupyter import VGridWidget

video_id = 1
video = VideoMetadata(path='test.mp4', id=video_id)
intervals = IntervalSet([Interval(Bounds3D(0, 10))])
interval_map = IntervalSetMapping({video_id: intervals})

vgrid_spec = VGridSpec(
  vis_format=VideoBlockFormat([('test', interval_map)]))

vgrid_widget = VGridWidget(vgrid_spec=vgrid_spec.to_json())

Putting this sample into a code cell will make VGrid render beneath it. In a different code cell, you can access any created labels through:

label_state = LabelState(lambda: vgrid_widget.label_state)
print(label_state.block_labels(), label_state.blocks_selected())