File Parser
The file parser will take in a file as input parameter and will parse the file based on the delimitter provided. the parsed file will be transformed to an output model as defined in the requirement. Optionally a fileFormat parameter can be passed that can define the datatype format of the columns in the file. If file format not provided, it defaults to the number of columns as 4 and data type formats as below.
Column Datatype 1 date 2 number 3 string 4 double
The application distribution comes as a zip file, when extracted has a lib folder and a config folder. The config folder has a 'application.configuration' file which reads the application properties. We can configure the application port, web context etc.
Steps to run the application:
- Unzip the
- Open a command prompt and run "java -jar libs/FileParser*.jar > FilePatrser.log"
- Using RESTClient like google rest client or postman below endpoint can be invoked.
By default the applications binds to the port 8090 and starts with the web context '/fileParser'. Below are the url (API and UI) and sample payloads for API.
The Application has a minimal UI as it is built with minimal UI knowledge.
Url: http://localhost:8090/fileParser/
The form will have two text field one for file location and one for delimitter.
On submit a response with each line entry from model will be displayed on the browser. It is not pretty. Sorry for inconvenience.
Sample response: Result: FileParserOutputModel.OutputLine(rowDate=31/3/07 3:32:12 AM EDT, description=Walget's Widgets, value=$50.00) FileParserOutputModel.OutputLine(rowDate=null, description=Walget's Widgets, value=$0.00) FileParserOutputModel.OutputLine(rowDate=2/4/06 2:23:47 PM EDT, description=BMart Bubbles, value=$5.50) FileParserOutputModel.OutputLine(rowDate=18/7/06 1:53:23 PM EDT, description=Kgreen Kandies, value=$0.23) FileParserOutputModel.OutputLine(rowDate=24/12/06 10:0:08 PM EST, description=Santa Snacks, value=$2,000,065.61)
Url: http://localhost:8090/fileParser/v1/file-parser
Sample Request Payload: { "fileLocation": "C:\Personal\boomi\sample.txt", "delimiter": "," }
Sample Response Payload: { "resultCode": "OK", "resultSubCode": "", "serviceTransactionId": "453c41b4a0a1409aad30d6572ed2d9e0", "clientRequestId": "453c41b4a0a1409aad30d6572ed2d9e0", "data": { "outputLines": [ { "rowDate": "31/3/07 3:32:12 AM EDT", "description": "Walget's Widgets", "value": "$50.00" }, { "rowDate": null, "description": "Walget's Widgets", "value": "$0.00" }, { "rowDate": "2/4/06 2:23:47 PM EDT", "description": "BMart Bubbles", "value": "$5.50" }, { "rowDate": "18/7/06 1:53:23 PM EDT", "description": "Kgreen Kandies", "value": "$0.23" }, { "rowDate": "24/12/06 10:0:08 PM EST", "description": "Santa Snacks", "value": "$2,000,065.61" } ], "rejectedLines": [], } }
Json above represents the parsed lines and rejectedLines represents lines that are not adhering the format.