This theme is now defunct, I was working on a new base theme for myself to use, then Thematic 2.0 came out. So I stripped what I needed out of this and moved it to, so use this instead. :)
Responsive Start is a child theme built on the mobile-first approach to responsive web design. This theme is the Responsive Base child theme on steroids. It is most useful to those who are working with Sass/Compass, Susy Grids and has a much more modern workflow. It uses some new approaches to things I have picked up along the way and I built this to be my starting point to creating child themes for Thematic. It is kind of a power user head start to child themes for the Thematic Theme Framework.
It is intended to work best with the latest stable version of Thematic 'and' the Thematic HTML5 Plugin.
There is a new version of Thematic in the works which makes a few functions in this theme obsolete, it will be updated to use all the new goodies eventually when the new 2.0 version get pushed live.
Feel free to make suggestions or improvements in the "issues" feature in Github.
Anything to add? Improvements? Create an issue on GitHub.