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Dan Yasny edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 2 revisions

Major features (epics)


Provision a set of nodes for Scylla, Manager, Monitoring


  • As a user I want to be able to provision a set of nodes, specifying some basic options (instance types, disk sizes etc.)
  • I want to be able to provision on a set of the major cloud providers (AWS, GCP, Azure)
  • The provisioning should produce a ready-to-use ansible inventory

Client role

Ansible role configuring a loader for benchmarking or use as client for Scylla clusters


  • cassandra-stress (c* drivers/Scylla shard-aware drivers)
  • tlp-stress (c* drivers/Scylla shard-aware drivers)
  • YCSB
  • Generic client node with a Scylla drivers preinstalled (go, c++, java, python)

Day2 ops

Keep expanding the playbooks to cover all the standard procedures from Scylla docs

Minor features

To be opened as issues and treated directly