This client is based on client-go, it's designed to test tikv coprocessor directly.
- Insert table record and index record into tikv using tikv grpc interface.
- Send coprocessor request to tikv and parse the response.
To init the coprocessor client we need the pd address.
client, err := coprocessor.NewClient([]string{""}, config.Security{})
if err != nil {
t.Fatal("create client failed")
Before you insert the data, you need a table id and index id, you can assign it manually or get it by calling CopClient.GetTableInfo method Examples see: record_test
Check comment in cop file, that file defined a lot methods you can call to send coprocessor request. Example: see cop_test
- Insert data to a table with index.
package main
import (
func main() {
client, err := coprocessor.NewClient([]string{""}, config.Security{})
if err != nil {
defer client.Close()
//create table t2 (id int , name varchar(25), key `name` (`name`));
tableInfo, _ := client.GetTableInfo("test", "t2")
rawData := []types.Datum{types.NewIntDatum(1), types.NewStringDatum("jerry")}
log.Info(client.AddTableRecord(tableInfo.ID, 1, rawData))
indexData := []types.Datum{types.NewStringDatum("jerry")}
log.Info(client.AddIndexRecord(tableInfo.ID, tableInfo.Indices[0].ID, 1, indexData, false))
mysql> select name from t2 where name in ('jerry','ttt');
| name |
| jerry |
- Send table scan with conditions
package main
import (
func main() {
c, err := coprocessor.NewClient([]string{""}, config.Security{})
if err != nil {
defer c.Close()
//create table t2 (id int , name varchar(25), key `name` (`name`));
tableInfo, _ := c.GetTableInfo("test", "t2")
ret, _ := c.ScanTableWithConditionsAndTableInfo(context.Background(), tableInfo)
fmt.Println("mock table info scan")
ret, _ = c.ScanTableWithConditions(context.Background(), coprocessor.InnerTableInfoToMockTableInfo(tableInfo), "id!=1")
func printDatum(values [][]types.Datum) {
for _, row := range values {
for _, col := range row {
str, _ := col.ToString()
fmt.Printf("%s\t", str)
- Send Coprocessor executors
agg, err := c.GenAggExprPB(ast.AggFuncMax, []expression.Expression{col}, false)
if err != nil {
returnTypes := []*types.FieldType{types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeFloat), types.NewFieldType(mysql.TypeVarchar)}
executors := []*tipb.Executor{
NewTableScanExecutorWithTypes(tableInfo.ID, tableInfo.Types, false),
NewAggregationExecutor([]*tipb.Expr{agg}, []*tipb.Expr{c.GetGroupByPB(groupById)}),
c.SendCoprocessorRequest(context.Background(), tableInfo.ID, returnTypes, executors, rangeFunc, decodeTableRow)