A Kotlin multiplatform library filling in the gaps of kotlinx-datetime
with additional type-safe APIs for time periods, as equivalents to those found in the Swift library of the same name(time
Supported targets:
- Apple
- iOS
- macOS
- tvOS
- watchOS
- Linux
Supported TimePeriod
- Year
- Month
- Day
- Hour
- Minute
- Second
- Nanosecond
Add the dependency to your Gradle build file:
dependencies {
val clock = Clock.System
val now: Instant = clock.thisInstant()
val today: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = clock.today()
val month: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Month> = clock.thisMonth()
Retrieve component values for a time period:
val today: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = Clock.System.today()
val year = today.year // Ex: 2022
val month = today.month // Ex: APRIL
val day = today.day // Ex: 18
Retrieve larger less-precise time periods for a time period:
val today: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = Clock.System.today()
val month: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Month> = today.monthPeriod
val year: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Year> = today.yearPeriod
Retrieve smaller more-precise time periods for a time period:
val clock = Clock.System
val firstDayOfMonth: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = clock.thisMonth().firstDay
val lastHourOfDay: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Hour> = clock.today().lastHour
val firstDayOfYear: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = clock.thisYear().firstDay
val clock = Clock.System
val thisMonth: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Month> = clock.thisMonth()
val daysInThisMonth = thisMonth.days
for (day in daysInThisMonth) {
// …
val thisHour: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Hour> = clock.thisHour()
val minutesInThisHour = thisHour.minutes
for (minute in minutesInThisHour) {
// …
val clock = Clock.System
val dayA: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = ...
val dayB: TimePeriod<TimeUnit.Day> = ...
val ..: Boolean = dayA.after(dayB)
// Also: `before`, `overlaps`, or compare specific relationship using `relation` (see Relations.kt)
val thisMonth = clock.thisMonth()
val ..: Boolean = dayA.during(thisMonth) // Equivalent to `thisMonth.contains(dayA)`
val today = Clock.System.today()
val dayAfterTomorrow = today + TimeDifference.days(2)
_ = today + TimeDifference.hours(1) // Compiler error – not implemented, as this is invalid
_ = today + TimeDifference.minutes(1) // Compiler error – not implemented, as this is invalid
val thisMonth = today.monthPeriod
val monthBeforeLast = thisMonth - TimeDifference.months(2)
_ = today - TimeDifference.nanoseconds(1) // Compiler error – not implemented, as this is invalid
_ = today - TimeDifference.seconds(1) // Compiler error – not implemented, as this is invalid
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.