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lmolas edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 3 revisions

Seedtag Server Tag for Google Tag Manager


This documentation explains how to configure Seedtag Tag in a GTM server container.

Seedtag Server Tag adapts Google Analytics events to Seedtag tracking system. In Seedtag tracking system, we have two main events that are visit and lead. Visit events are adapted from regular GA4 events. Lead events need a specific configuration.


GTM Web Container

You need to have configured a Google Tag from Google Analytics.

Google Tag should be configured to trigger on any pages and send events to GTM Server Container. You must set your Google Tag ID (you can take it from your Google Analytics account). The configuration parameter server_container_url must be set to your GTM Server Container url.

If you want to track Lead events, you need to configure a Google Analytics: GA4 Event with an Event Name set to seedtag.lead. You must set your Measurement ID to the same value than Google Tag ID in the Google Tag you have configured before. The trigger depends on your usecase. If you have multiple lead events to track, you must pass an Event parameter named event_data. In this example, we use {{Click ID}} as value but you can pass any meaningful value.

GTM Server Container

We assume that you have a Google Analytics: GA4 (Web) client configured. In this example the client name is GA4.

In Tags section, you can add Seedtag server tag from the gallery by searching seedtag.

Note: Please check with your support representative for your Pixel ID

The trigger part of Seedtag Server tag must be configured to treat only events from GA4 client:

Note: Set the real name of your Google Analytics: GA4 (Web) client.

Deploy configured tags

You just have to publish your modifications for GTM Web Container and GTM Server Container.

Support and Troubleshooting

For support and troubleshooting, reach out to the Seedtag support team for assistance. [email protected]