This is a ruby library for reading self-ml files. It is mostly finished, just needs a good polish.
It will only parse correctly formed files, returning an error otherwise.
gem install self-ml
Read in a .selfml file and pretty print it
require 'selfml'
document = SelfML.parse( "file.selfml" ) # SelfML.parse expects a string and returns a SelfML::Document.
puts document.to_s # SelfML::AST::Document.to_s provides the document in pretty printing format.
- fork
- code
- pull request
- test the library with your files
- submit an issue to the issue tracker
See issue tracker.
- locks - ruby implementation
- alexgordon - creating self-ml and clearing up the grammer
- devyn - helpful support
- atamis - alternative ruby implementation, inspiration
- kschiess - creating parslet and schooling me on how to use it