Vuex with modules, Localstorage (It is ready to use Firebase database), Mixins, Lodash, Test (Jest)
npm install
npm run serve
npm run build
The coding challenge is to create a single-page app using Vue.js and Vuex. You are free to use vue-cli while creating application.
In this assignment, we would like you to create a simple task manager web application. You will perform some operations on tasks and subtasks. You can find the details on below. We expect a cross-browser compatible and responsive web application that matching the requirements below.
We will appreciate that if you add unit-tests and comments for your project (if applicable). We expect you to write a document.
With this assignment, we want to create a board for our tasks. Tasks have name, state and levels properties that could be managed by users. Tasks could have below levels with the given priority order.
- Blocker
- Critical
- High
- Low
Tasks could have subtasks. Subtask have same properties of tasks and also parent task. We have two states for tasks that are "Open" and "Closed".
You could choose intuitive way for not described points specifically.
- Task could be created with required fields name and level.
- Task name need to be unique and max 25 character.
- Default state is open.
- Level should be selected, no default value.
- Subtask creation enabled if user select/focus on a task.
- Task could have 4 sub-task at most.
- Task could have no subtask.
- The application will not have any backend so for storing tasks and subtasks you should use local storage in case of refreshing application pages in the browser.
- There are two lists that open and closed tasks with priority order.
- Tasks need to be sorted high to low priority.
- If two tasks have same priority, first created one has high priority.
- Subtasks need to be sorted high to low priority under task.
- Lists need to be automatically updated if any task or subtask property is changed.
- Task and subtask cards have color depending on their priority.
- List cards layout need to be responsive to width of page. For example, If page could show 3 cards in a row, page need to show 2 open card column and 1 closed
task columns. Open task list has higher priority to column enlarge. - User could paginate lists.
- Properties modal open with a task or subtask for updating.
- Task name and parent tasks are showed as read-only not updatable.
- Levels and state are updatable.
- Tasks could not be closed if any subtask is still open.
- If any subtask of task set open, task is set as open too.
- If any task is deleted, all subtasks are also deleted.
- VueJs version2
- Vuex
- ES6+
- Mixins (If applicable)
- Use the related technologies for build configuration to create production ready bundle.