Find out who is nastavnik (Russian for coach) BASH script
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- script with menue to find out who is nastavnik (coach) today
- supports any number of people, who are coaches, could be teams or shifts
- daily (24 hours), two days (48 hours) shifts are supported
- easily change program. It will rewrite datafile. will be left intact.
- if you prefer GUI version, there's now one with photo and buttons options
- copy and to your computer
- check code and, if needed, change to your liking
- make executable: $ chmod +x
- place both files to your scripts directory (for example .bin/)
- write alias in your .zshrc or .bashrc (alias nastavnik='~/Scripts/')
- source .zshrc or .bashrc
- for those, from GUI-only realm, you can use just that function and make it an app all by itself.
now you can use $nastavnik in your terminal to check who is on duty today. Enjoy!