We have observed how difficult online learning has been during the past few months, especially for those with ADHD. This is what inspired us to create our website.
Our website allows the user to watch a video of their choice, while breaking up the video into set intervals. During each interval break, the website will have a popup which will tell the user to either do a short mental or physical exercise.
We built this utilizing React, JavaScript, HTML, and CSS
Something which was challenging for us was figuring out how to integrate the YouTube iframe API, which we were planning to use to automatically pause and play our video during the designated breaks.
We are proud of having functioning prototype to present our idea of making online learning easier.
The majority of our team was completely unfamiliar with frontend development tools, as well as version control. Now, we have a working knowledge of the languages listed above, as well as git.
In the future, we want to get our pause feature fully working, where the videos will pause automatically at assigned breaks. We also want to implement a way to help students stay focused during synchronous online lectures. Additionally, we would like to implement this idea onto different platforms, such as zoom, youtubeLive, and Teams. We would also like to make the website more personalized by adding options for things such as mental or physical breaks, and how often breaks are taken throughout the video.