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Uploading the firmware

Shai Seger edited this page May 6, 2020 · 4 revisions

Its time to flash the firmware into the controller. For that you will need to download the STLink utility. Download and install is as any other software. It might prompt for driver installation permissions. Let it.

Connect the STLinkV2 programmer to the controller board as follows (links to where to get it, in the Hardware Setup section)
Use the Dupont wires that came with it.
Also, make sure the small yellow jumpers are set like the image. StLink connections
Wire colors may vary, so the colors in the diagram are just for reference.

Plug the programmer to a USB connection in your PC and wait for the system to recognize and install it.

Programming the firmware

  1. Start the STM32 ST-LINK Utility program.
  2. From the menu, select File -> Open File. Find the folder where you extracted the latest release. Select the "GRBL Driver STM32F103C8 Vxxxxxxxx.bin" firmware file and open it.
  3. From the menu, select Target -> Connect. This should connect to the controller. If there are issues, try pressing the reset button on the controller immediately before pressing Connect. It should look something like this: STU Connected
  4. From the menu, select Target -> Program & Verify. This will pop the following window:
    STU Program
  5. Press Start and wait for programming to complete. The small window will be closed and you should see a verification message at the bottom:
    STU OK

That's it!
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