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Cheatsheet:HTML Configuration

Ulric Wilfred edited this page Jan 31, 2015 · 2 revisions

HTML Renderer Configuration

Here's the default configuration object, details are in comments. Hope this is enough.

(all properties are optional)

var default_config = {
    // can be 'quartz' (vertical nodes) or 'pd' (horizontal nodes)
    layout: 'quartz',
    // show inlet/outlet value only when user hovers over its connector
    // (always showing, by default)
    valuesOnHover: false,
    // show inlets/outlets and node types for debugging purposes
    showTypes: false,
    // show node containers for debugging purposes
    showBoxes: false,
    // are nodes allowed to be dragged
    nodesMovingAllowed: true,
    // show the list of nodes
    renderNodeList: true,
    // is node list collapsed by default, if shown
    nodeListCollapsed: true,
    // dimensions of the box used to measure node sizes
    boxSize: [ 100, 40 ],
    // width of a link, sometimes it's hard to catch so could be increased
    linkWidth: null, // null means use the value from CSS
    // a time for value-update or error effects on inlets/outlets
    effectTime: 1000
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