My implementation of 7GUI in Clojure (live demo here)
- Strictly follows behavior of 7GUI spec AND Excel
- Easily modify column/row counts, add operations, create new expression syntax, etc
- Syntax:
=FORMULA(input1 input2 inputX)
- Add - SUM
- Subtract - SUB
- Divide - DIV
- Multiply - MUL
- Modulo - MOD
- Minimum - MIN
- Maximum - MAX
- Round - ROUND
- Count - COUNT
- Counta - COUNTA
- Average - AVG
- If - IF
- Or - OR
- And - AND
- Equal - EQUAL
- Not - NOT
- Tab/Arrow keys to move around
- Ctrl + Home/End to move to first/last cell in sheet
- Enter to enter/exit a cell
- Escape to exit cell & discard changes
- Space to start editting a cell
- Type anything to override cell with what you typed
- Backspace/Delete to clear a cell
Install Clojure and Leiningen
Run lein fig:build
and open http://localhost:9500/
Switch to site
branch, run lein fig:prod
, move resources/public files into target/public, and commit changes (Netlify auto-deploys)