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Bevy CSS (Prototype)

A project that allows Bevy UI Node Styles to be defined with CSS strings, rather than the current inline code definitions. Mozilla's excellent cssparser & selectors crates provide the core parsing functionality.

If you like this project and would like to help make it better, please consider submitting a pull request.


To include this plugin in your project, add the following to your dependencies:

bevy_prototype_css = { git = "" }

Alternatively clone the repo if you would like to try the included examples.

Current Features

Supported components

Styling/definition in CSS is supported for the following components:

  • bevy::ui::Style
  • bevy::ui::UiColor

Styling with .css stylesheets and class / id components

Example: (cargo run --example bevy_ui_stylesheet)

The CssPlugin allows UI styles to be defined in a .css asset file (e.g. assets/styles/ui.css). By loading this asset and tagging your styled entities with a CssTag, the stylesheet styles will be applied to your nodes for you. Only entities with a CssTag will be styled.



use bevy_prototype_css::{CssPlugin, CssStylesheet, CssTag};                 // Required imports

fn main() {
        .add_plugin(CssPlugin)                                              // CSSPlugin does the hard work

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
    let sheet: Handle<CssStylesheet> = asset_server.load("styles/ui.css");  // Load the .css file

        .insert(CssTag::from("#container-1.fill-width"));                   // Tag the entity with your id/classes


#container-1 { height: 10em; color: blue; }
.fill-width { width: 100%; }

Caveat: Selector matching is currently very rudimentary. Ids and classes can be combined (e.g. #id.class-1.class-2), but there is currently no hierarchical matching (e.g. #parent>.child doesn't work). There is also no pseudo-class (e.g. :hover), pseudo-element (e.g. ::after), nor attribute (e.g. [attr=value]) matching.

Inline css in code

Example: (cargo run --example bevy_ui_inline)

UI styles can be created inline in your code from a css string and the appropriate (static) context. Use CssStyle to define your style, then call .to_style(css_context) to get a bevy::ui::Style component, or .to_ui_color() to get a bevy::ui::UiColor component.

CssStyle is not a component, just a container for &str. You could create common CssStyle structs ahead of time, then call .to_style on the same CssStyle multiple times.


use bevy_prototype_css::{CssContext, CssStyle};                              // Required imports

fn main() {

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    let css_context = CssContext::default();                                 // CssContext is required!

    commands.spawn_bundle(NodeBundle {
        style: CssStyle("width: 100%; height: 10em;")                        // Define your styles without selectors
            .to_style(css_context),                                          // Call .to_style to get your Style
        color: CssStyle("color: red;").to_ui_color(),                        // Works for colors with .to_ui_color()

Possible Future Features

  • Proper & full testing
  • Hierarchical selector matching (e.g. #parent>.child)
  • Entity components as CSS tags (e.g. Node.class { /* ... */ } in your stylesheet)
  • @font-face definitions for font asset loading
  • Support for the following ui::Node component types
    • text::TextStyle
    • ui::UiImage
  • calc() and other css functions
  • Full set of CSS spec <length> dimensions
  • !important keyword
  • CSS wide keywords (initial, inherit, unset)

Compatible Bevy Versions

bevy_prototype_css version Minimum bevy version
0.1 0.7
0.2 0.8



CSS Spec + Documentation

Property Names

<Bevy Type> -> <css-property-name>

NB: Not all Bevy types have exactly the same name as their CSS properties. This is to stay consistent with web CSS style names.


  • Style::Display -> display
  • Style::Direction -> direction
  • Style::Size -> width, height
  • Style::MinSize -> min-width, min-height
  • Style::MaxSize -> max-width, max-height
  • Style::Overflow -> overflow


  • Style::PositionType -> position
  • Style::Position -> top, right, bottom, left

Flex Box

  • Style::FlexDirection -> flex-direction
  • Style::FlexWrap -> flex-wrap
  • Style::FlexGrow -> flex-grow
  • Style::FlexShrink -> flex-shrink
  • Style::FlexBasis -> flex-basis
  • Style::AspectRatio -> aspect-ratio


  • Style::AlignItems -> align-items
  • Style::AlignSelf -> align-self
  • Style::AlignContent -> align-content
  • Style::JustifyContent -> justify-content


  • Style::Margin -> margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left


  • Style::Padding -> padding, padding-top,padding-right,padding-bottom,padding-left


  • Style::Border -> border-width, border-width-top, border-width-right, border-width-bottom, border-width-left


  • UiColor -> color

Accepted Values


  • display: flex | none
  • direction: ltr | rtl | inherit
  • width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • min-width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • min-height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • max-width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • max-height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • overflow: visible | hidden


  • position: relative | absolute
  • top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • left: auto | <length> | <percentage>

Flex Box

  • flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
  • flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
  • flex-grow: <non-negative-number>
  • flex-shrink: <non-negative-number>
  • flex-basis: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • aspect-ratio: auto | <ratio>


  • align-items: stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | baseline
  • align-self: auto | stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | baseline
  • align-content: stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | space-between | space-around
  • justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly


  • margin: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • margin-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • padding: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • padding-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • border-width: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • border-width-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • color: none | transparent | <rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hex-color> | <named-color> (See Colors below)

Value Types



  • Same as <numer>, except the value has to be >= 0


  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs
  • 96 DPI is assumed. This means 1in == 96px, regardless of your actual dpi setting. This is part of the CSS spec.
  • Not all dimensions in the CSS spec are accepted by this parser.
  • The following dimensions are accepted:
    • Absolute: px, cm, mm, Q, in, pc, pt
    • Font Relative: em, rem, ex, ch
    • Viewport Relative: vw, vh, vmin, vmax





Allows multiple properties to be set in one declaration.


[value type | value type | ... ]{min,max}

Accepts some number of value types, at least min, and at most max times. Separate each value type with a space.

Where a property is shorthand for the 4 sides, the order is always: -top, -right, -bottom, -left.


margin: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4}

Shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left

The margin shorthand property accepts either one, two, three, or four (i.e. '{1,4}') values. Each value can have the type of either auto, <length>, or <percentage> (i.e. '[auto | <length> | <percentage>]').

  • If only one value is given, then all the full properties will use that same value.
  • If two values are given, then the first value will be used for the -top and -bottom, while the second value will be used for the -right and -left.
  • If three values are given, then the first value will be used for the -top, the second will be used for the -right and -left, and the third will be used for the -bottom.
  • If all four values are given, then they will each be used for -top, -right, -bottom, -left respectively.

The following are all valid margin declarations:

margin: auto;
margin: 10px;
margin: 2% 1em;
margin: 20mm auto 0.3%;
margin: 1px 0.5% auto auto;


  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs
  • The none keyword has been added to line up with Bevy's Color::None variant
    • none is equivalent to CSS transparent, which is also available
  • The currentcolor CSS keyword will be ignored
  • The hwb() color function is not supported
  • Color definitions are quite versatile, and can be a bit complicated. The CSS docs help a lot.
  • A small 'gotcha' is that all colors defined with CSS will be an instance of bevy Color::Rgba

<rgb()> & <rgba()>

  • Format is: 'rgb([<number> | <percentage>]{3} [, <number> | <percentage>]?)'
  • Both versions of this function accept the same arguments, despite the names
  • The first 3 values are (in order) red, green, and blue
    • If these are given as a <number>, they must be in the range 0 ... 255
  • The 4th value is for alpha, and is optional
    • If a <number> is given, it must be in the range 0.0 ... 1.0
  • See also: W3 Schools

<hsl()> & <hsla()>

  • Format is: 'hsl([<number> | <angle>], <percentage>, <percentage> [, <number> | <percentage>]?)'
  • Both versions of this function accept the same arguments, despite the names
  • The first value (<number> | <angle>) is hue, representing the color/hue angle.
    • If no unit is given, deg is assumed. i.e. the number must be in the range 0 ... 360
  • The second value is saturation
  • The third value is lightness
  • The 4th value is for alpha, and is optional
    • If a <number> is given, it must be in the range 0.0 ... 1.0
  • See also: W3 Schools


  • Format is: #<red><green><blue> (i.e. #RRGGBB | #RGB)
  • Each of <red>, <green>, and <blue> is a 2 digit hexadecimal integers (between 00 ... FF)
    • 00 is none of the respective color, while FF is full intensity for the respective color
  • As a shorthand, each color can be specified with only 1 digit.
    • In this case the digit is repeated for the color. Eg: #fff -> #ffffff & #abc -> #aabbcc
    • If using shorthand, all 3 colors must use only 1 digit
  • Case-insensitive
  • CSS Spec
  • W3 Schools HEX Color Helper


  • These are the CSS named colors, and may not be equivalent to the bevy color consts
  • Use the links below for a full list of the available named colors
    • In particular, I recommend reading the 'gotcha' note in the Mozilla Web Docs
  • Keep in mind that some colors may look different on different monitors/color profiles
  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs


This crate is dual licensed under the MIT license or the Apache 2.0 license.

Copies of these licenses are available in the docs folder.