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Bevy CSS (Prototype)

A project that allows Bevy UI Node Styles to be defined with CSS strings, rather than the current inline code definitions. Mozilla's excellent cssparser & selectors crates provide the core parsing functionality.

If you like this project and would like to help make it better, please consider submitting a pull request.


To include this plugin in your project, add the following to your dependencies:

bevy_prototype_css = { git = "" }

Alternatively clone the repo if you would like to try the included examples.

Current Features

Supported components

Styling/definition in CSS is supported for the following components:

  • bevy::ui::Style
  • bevy::ui::UiColor

Styling with .css stylesheets and class / id components

Example: (cargo run --example bevy_ui_stylesheet)

The CssPlugin allows UI styles to be defined in a .css asset file (e.g. assets/styles/ui.css). By loading this asset and tagging your styled entities with a CssTag, the stylesheet styles will be applied to your nodes for you. Only entities with a CssTag will be styled.



use bevy_prototype_css::{CssPlugin, CssStylesheet, CssTag};                 // Required imports

fn main() {
        .add_plugin(CssPlugin)                                              // CSSPlugin does the hard work

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
    let sheet: Handle<CssStylesheet> = asset_server.load("styles/ui.css");  // Load the .css file

        .insert(CssTag::from("#container-1.fill-width"));                   // Tag the entity with your id/classes


#container-1 { height: 10em; color: blue; }
.fill-width { width: 100%; }

Caveat: Selector matching is currently very rudimentary. Ids and classes can be combined (e.g. #id.class-1.class-2), but there is currently no hierarchical matching (e.g. #parent>.child doesn't work). There is also no pseudo-class (e.g. :hover), pseudo-element (e.g. ::after), nor attribute (e.g. [attr=value]) matching.

Inline css in code

Example: (cargo run --example bevy_ui_inline)

UI styles can be created inline in your code from a css string and the appropriate (static) context. Use CssStyle to define your style, then call .to_style(css_context) to get a bevy::ui::Style component, or .to_ui_color() to get a bevy::ui::UiColor component.

CssStyle is not a component, just a container for &str. You could create common CssStyle structs ahead of time, then call .to_style on the same CssStyle multiple times.


use bevy_prototype_css::{CssContext, CssStyle};                              // Required imports

fn main() {

fn setup(mut commands: Commands) {
    let css_context = CssContext::default();                                 // CssContext is required!

    commands.spawn_bundle(NodeBundle {
        style: CssStyle("width: 100%; height: 10em;")                        // Define your styles without selectors
            .to_style(css_context),                                          // Call .to_style to get your Style
        color: CssStyle("color: red;").to_ui_color(),                        // Works for colors with .to_ui_color()

Possible Future Features

  • Proper & full testing
  • Hierarchical selector matching (e.g. #parent>.child)
  • Entity components as CSS tags (e.g. Node.class { /* ... */ } in your stylesheet)
  • @font-face definitions for font asset loading
  • Support for the following ui::Node component types
    • text::TextStyle
    • ui::UiImage
  • calc() and other css functions
  • Full set of CSS spec <length> dimensions
  • !important keyword
  • CSS wide keywords (initial, inherit, unset)

Compatible Bevy Versions

bevy_prototype_css version Minimum bevy version
0.1 0.7
0.2 0.8



CSS Spec + Documentation

Property Names

<Bevy Type> -> <css-property-name>

NB: Not all Bevy types have exactly the same name as their CSS properties. This is to stay consistent with web CSS style names.


  • Style::Display -> display
  • Style::Direction -> direction
  • Style::Size -> width, height
  • Style::MinSize -> min-width, min-height
  • Style::MaxSize -> max-width, max-height
  • Style::Overflow -> overflow


  • Style::PositionType -> position
  • Style::Position -> top, right, bottom, left

Flex Box

  • Style::FlexDirection -> flex-direction
  • Style::FlexWrap -> flex-wrap
  • Style::FlexGrow -> flex-grow
  • Style::FlexShrink -> flex-shrink
  • Style::FlexBasis -> flex-basis
  • Style::AspectRatio -> aspect-ratio


  • Style::AlignItems -> align-items
  • Style::AlignSelf -> align-self
  • Style::AlignContent -> align-content
  • Style::JustifyContent -> justify-content


  • Style::Margin -> margin, margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left


  • Style::Padding -> padding, padding-top,padding-right,padding-bottom,padding-left


  • Style::Border -> border-width, border-width-top, border-width-right, border-width-bottom, border-width-left


  • UiColor -> color

Accepted Values


  • display: flex | none
  • direction: ltr | rtl | inherit
  • width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • min-width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • min-height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • max-width: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • max-height: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • overflow: visible | hidden


  • position: relative | absolute
  • top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • left: auto | <length> | <percentage>

Flex Box

  • flex-direction: row | row-reverse | column | column-reverse
  • flex-wrap: nowrap | wrap | wrap-reverse
  • flex-grow: <non-negative-number>
  • flex-shrink: <non-negative-number>
  • flex-basis: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • aspect-ratio: auto | <ratio>


  • align-items: stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | baseline
  • align-self: auto | stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | baseline
  • align-content: stretch | center | flex-start | flex-end | space-between | space-around
  • justify-content: flex-start | flex-end | center | space-between | space-around | space-evenly


  • margin: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • margin-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • margin-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • padding: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • padding-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • padding-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • border-width: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4} (See Shorthand below)
  • border-width-top: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-right: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-bottom: auto | <length> | <percentage>
  • border-width-left: auto | <length> | <percentage>


  • color: none | transparent | <rgb()> | <rgba()> | <hsl()> | <hsla()> | <hex-color> | <named-color> (See Colors below)

Value Types



  • Same as <numer>, except the value has to be >= 0


  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs
  • 96 DPI is assumed. This means 1in == 96px, regardless of your actual dpi setting. This is part of the CSS spec.
  • Not all dimensions in the CSS spec are accepted by this parser.
  • The following dimensions are accepted:
    • Absolute: px, cm, mm, Q, in, pc, pt
    • Font Relative: em, rem, ex, ch
    • Viewport Relative: vw, vh, vmin, vmax





Allows multiple properties to be set in one declaration.


[value type | value type | ... ]{min,max}

Accepts some number of value types, at least min, and at most max times. Separate each value type with a space.

Where a property is shorthand for the 4 sides, the order is always: -top, -right, -bottom, -left.


margin: [auto | <length> | <percentage>]{1,4}

Shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, margin-left

The margin shorthand property accepts either one, two, three, or four (i.e. '{1,4}') values. Each value can have the type of either auto, <length>, or <percentage> (i.e. '[auto | <length> | <percentage>]').

  • If only one value is given, then all the full properties will use that same value.
  • If two values are given, then the first value will be used for the -top and -bottom, while the second value will be used for the -right and -left.
  • If three values are given, then the first value will be used for the -top, the second will be used for the -right and -left, and the third will be used for the -bottom.
  • If all four values are given, then they will each be used for -top, -right, -bottom, -left respectively.

The following are all valid margin declarations:

margin: auto;
margin: 10px;
margin: 2% 1em;
margin: 20mm auto 0.3%;
margin: 1px 0.5% auto auto;


  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs
  • The none keyword has been added to line up with Bevy's Color::None variant
    • none is equivalent to CSS transparent, which is also available
  • The currentcolor CSS keyword will be ignored
  • The hwb() color function is not supported
  • Color definitions are quite versatile, and can be a bit complicated. The CSS docs help a lot.
  • A small 'gotcha' is that all colors defined with CSS will be an instance of bevy Color::Rgba

<rgb()> & <rgba()>

  • Format is: 'rgb([<number> | <percentage>]{3} [, <number> | <percentage>]?)'
  • Both versions of this function accept the same arguments, despite the names
  • The first 3 values are (in order) red, green, and blue
    • If these are given as a <number>, they must be in the range 0 ... 255
  • The 4th value is for alpha, and is optional
    • If a <number> is given, it must be in the range 0.0 ... 1.0
  • See also: W3 Schools

<hsl()> & <hsla()>

  • Format is: 'hsl([<number> | <angle>], <percentage>, <percentage> [, <number> | <percentage>]?)'
  • Both versions of this function accept the same arguments, despite the names
  • The first value (<number> | <angle>) is hue, representing the color/hue angle.
    • If no unit is given, deg is assumed. i.e. the number must be in the range 0 ... 360
  • The second value is saturation
  • The third value is lightness
  • The 4th value is for alpha, and is optional
    • If a <number> is given, it must be in the range 0.0 ... 1.0
  • See also: W3 Schools


  • Format is: #<red><green><blue> (i.e. #RRGGBB | #RGB)
  • Each of <red>, <green>, and <blue> is a 2 digit hexadecimal integers (between 00 ... FF)
    • 00 is none of the respective color, while FF is full intensity for the respective color
  • As a shorthand, each color can be specified with only 1 digit.
    • In this case the digit is repeated for the color. Eg: #fff -> #ffffff & #abc -> #aabbcc
    • If using shorthand, all 3 colors must use only 1 digit
  • Case-insensitive
  • CSS Spec
  • W3 Schools HEX Color Helper


  • These are the CSS named colors, and may not be equivalent to the bevy color consts
  • Use the links below for a full list of the available named colors
    • In particular, I recommend reading the 'gotcha' note in the Mozilla Web Docs
  • Keep in mind that some colors may look different on different monitors/color profiles
  • CSS Spec
  • Mozilla Web Docs


This crate is dual licensed under the MIT license or the Apache 2.0 license.

Copies of these licenses are available in the docs folder.


Bevy UI Node Styles defined with CSS








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