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Spring boot library for Products up platform integration

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ProductsUp is a feed management solution to centralize your entire products data flow with a variety of external social media platforms -

Main purpose

This library provides an integration with ProductsUp platform API endpoints to interact with the platform operations ProductsUP API's

Getting started

The library is published on Maven Central. To add the library into your spring project




implementation 'io.github.shinusuresh:productsup-client-spring-boot-starter:0.1.21' 

How to use

ConfigurationUR Platform API token with ProductsUP>

#Add the following properties
productsup.token=<Your platform api token>

#If you are using stream
productsup.authorization-token=Bearer <Your Stream PAT>


Using Platform API client

private final PlatformApiClient platformApiClient;
var sites = this.platformApiClient.getSites();

Using Stream API client

private final StreamApiClient streamApiClient;
var streams = this.streamApiClient.listStreams();

Using Stream API upload client for NDJSON payloads

private final StreamApiUploadClient streamUploadApiClient;
var streams = this.streamUploadApiClient.uploadChunkeddData(<stream id>, <payload>);

Payload has to be of a List<? extends BaseStreamData>

Error handling

For error scenarios WebClientResponseException will be thrown. Handle the exception to get the erorr data

var exception = assertThrows(WebClientResponseException.class, () -> streamApiClient.createStream(data));
var errors = exception.getResponseBodyAs(StreamErrors.class);

Enabling logging

Enable org.springframework.http to DEBUG will enable logging of request and response.

    org.springframework.http: DEBUG