The Minesweeper project is a recreation of the classic Minesweeper game, developed in Python using customtkinter. It features a sleek, modern user interface and implements core game mechanics like dynamic grid generation and mine placement.
- Modern UI: Built with customtkinter for a clean and intuitive user interface.
- Dynamic Gameplay: Features dynamic grid generation and real-time game status updates.
- Classic Game Mechanics: Includes mine placement, flagging, and revealing tiles.
- Python: Core programming language.
- customtkinter: Used for creating a modern and visually appealing UI.
- tkinter: Base library for creating GUI applications in Python.
Clone the Repository:
git clone cd minesweeper
Install Dependencies: Ensure you have Python installed. Then, install required packages using:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Game:
Play the Game:
- Click on tiles to reveal them.
- Right-click to flag potential mines.
- Avoid clicking on mines to win the game!
- Reveal Tiles: Left-click on a tile to reveal it.
- Flag Mines: Right-click to mark a tile as a mine.
- Win Condition: Clear all non-mine tiles without triggering a mine.
Include screenshots here to showcase the UI and gameplay (you can add screenshots in the repository and link them here).
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and create a pull request with your changes.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.