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2024 BabyLM Challenge Evaluation Pipeline

BabyLM Challenge


This code provides the backend for the BabyLM Challenge's evaluation pipeline. It is based on EleutherAI's lm-evaluation-harness (citation and details below). We provide support for zero-shot evaluations on BLiMP, as well as scripts for training low-rank adapters on models for GLUE tasks.

If you have questions about or suggestions for this code, please open an issue and consider joining our Slack. Join the #evaluation channel, which is dedicated to support for use of this repository.

We also welcome pull requests!


To install the lm-eval package from the github repository, run this code:

git clone
cd lm-evaluation-harness
pip install -e .

If you need a previous version of torch and/or CUDA, install it after running the above commands.


Download the evaluation_data folder in this OSF directory. Place it in the root directory of this repository.

Due to large file sizes, we do not provide images in the OSF directory. Instead, we link to HuggingFace datasets, one of which requires approval (which is immediate). Go to this URL, log in to your HuggingFace account, and request approval. Then, in your terminal, log in to your account using huggingface-cli login, and enter your login token.


This year, we provide different sets of evaluation tasks for different tracks. There will be surprise evaluation tasks released closer to the deadline; we will announce these on the Slack and here at least 2 weeks before the final submission deadline.

Text-only evaluation

If you are participating in one of the text-only tracks (Strict or Strict-small), use these instructions.

Zero-shot evaluation

Use the following shell script to evaluate on BLiMP:

./ <path_to_model>

This should work out-of-the-box if you are using a HuggingFace-based autoregressive or sequence-to-sequence model. If you are using a masked language model, change --model hf to --model hf-mlm in Use --model mamba_ssm for Mamba models, or --model gguf/--model ggml for Llama.cpp models. (Note that these both require additional dependencies; see Optional Extras below for installation instructions.) See the README of the original lm-evaluation-harness repository for a complete list of supported models.

Adapter training and evaluation

This year, we are providing support for training low-rank adapters instead of full model fine-tuning. This change was motivated by (1) greater compute-efficiency; (2) lower disk space requirements; and (3) greater modularity.

To train low-rank adapters on all (Super)GLUE evaluation tasks, use the following command:

./ <path_to_model>

By default, this uses the same hyperparameters for all tasks. Here are the defaults:

Hyperparameter Value
Initial learning rate 3e-4
Batch size 64
Maximum epochs 32
Evaluate every (epochs) 1
LoRA alpha 16
LoRA rank 8
LoRA dropout 0.1

The checkpoint with the best validation performance is the one that is evaluated and saved.

Feel free to modify the hyperparameters, and even to modify the type of adapter or fine-tuning method used. (We have not directly integrated support for QLoRA or ReFT, but we welcome pull requests that add these features!)

Multimodal evaluation

If you are participating in the multimodal track, use these instructions.

First, run your models on the text-only evaluations, including BLiMP, the BLiMP supplement, and (Super)GLUE. As long as your model is compatible with the AutoModelForCausalLM and AutoModelForSequenceClassification classes, you can use the same instructions as above to evaluate on the text-only tasks.

In addition, use the following command to evaluate on Winoground (where we use an unpaired text score) and VQA (accuracy with 7 distractors).

./ <path_to_model>


We will upload our baselines to Huggingface. We will also put our baselines' scores on the evaluation tasks here. Stay tuned!

The text-only baselines will be based on BabyLlama and LTG-BERT (the best autoregressive and masked language models from last year's challenge, respectively). The multimodal baselines will be based on GIT and Flamingo.

Submission Format

You will upload your models and your models' predictions on the evaluation tasks. We will add instructions for doing so closer to the submission deadline.

Additional Features (from EleutherAI's README)

Batch size selection can be automated by setting the --batch_size flag to auto. This will perform automatic detection of the largest batch size that will fit on your device.

The full list of supported arguments are provided here, and on the terminal by calling lm_eval -h. Alternatively, you can use lm-eval instead of lm_eval.


Just like you can provide a local path to transformers.AutoModel, you can also provide a local path to lm_eval via --model_args pretrained=/path/to/model


For tasks unsuitable for direct evaluation — either due risks associated with executing untrusted code or complexities in the evaluation process — the --predict_only flag is available to obtain decoded generations for post-hoc evaluation.

If you have a Metal compatible Mac, you can run the eval harness using the MPS back-end by replacing --device cuda:0 with --device mps (requires PyTorch version 2.1 or higher). Note that the PyTorch MPS backend is still in early stages of development, so correctness issues or unsupported operations may exist. If you observe oddities in model performance on the MPS back-end, we recommend first checking that a forward pass of your model on --device cpu and --device mps match.


You can inspect what the LM inputs look like by running the following command:

python \
    --tasks <task1,task2,...> \
    --num_fewshot 5 \
    --num_examples 10 \
    --output_base_path /path/to/output/folder

This will write out one text file for each task.

To verify the data integrity of the tasks you're performing in addition to running the tasks themselves, you can use the --check_integrity flag:

lm_eval --model openai \
    --model_args engine=davinci \
    --tasks lambada_openai,hellaswag \

Advanced Usage Tips

For models loaded with the HuggingFace transformers library, any arguments provided via --model_args get passed to the relevant constructor directly. This means that anything you can do with AutoModel can be done with our library. For example, you can pass a local path via pretrained= or use models finetuned with PEFT by taking the call you would run to evaluate the base model and add ,peft=PATH to the model_args argument:

lm_eval --model hf \
    --model_args pretrained=EleutherAI/gpt-j-6b,parallelize=True,load_in_4bit=True,peft=nomic-ai/gpt4all-j-lora \
    --tasks openbookqa,arc_easy,winogrande,hellaswag,arc_challenge,piqa,boolq \
    --device cuda:0

Models provided as delta weights can be easily loaded using the Hugging Face transformers library. Within --model_args, set the delta argument to specify the delta weights, and use the pretrained argument to designate the relative base model to which they will be applied:

lm_eval --model hf \
    --model_args pretrained=Ejafa/llama_7B,delta=lmsys/vicuna-7b-delta-v1.1 \
    --tasks hellaswag

GPTQ quantized models can be loaded by specifying their file names in ,autogptq=NAME (or ,autogptq=True for default names) in the model_args argument:

lm_eval --model hf \
    --model_args pretrained=model-name-or-path,autogptq=model.safetensors,gptq_use_triton=True \
    --tasks hellaswag

We support wildcards in task names, for example you can run all of the machine-translated lambada tasks via --task lambada_openai_mt_*.

To save evaluation results provide an --output_path. We also support logging model responses with the --log_samples flag for post-hoc analysis.

Additionally, one can provide a directory with --use_cache to cache the results of prior runs. This allows you to avoid repeated execution of the same (model, task) pairs for re-scoring.

For a full list of supported arguments, check out the interface guide in our documentation!

Visualizing Results

You can seamlessly visualize and analyze the results of your evaluation harness runs using both Weights & Biases (W&B) and Zeno.

Weights and Biases

With the Weights and Biases integration, you can now spend more time extracting deeper insights into your evaluation results. The integration is designed to streamline the process of logging and visualizing experiment results using the Weights & Biases (W&B) platform.

The integration provide functionalities

  • to automatically log the evaluation results,
  • log the samples as W&B Tables for easy visualization,
  • log the results.json file as an artifact for version control,
  • log the <task_name>_eval_samples.json file if the samples are logged,
  • generate a comprehensive report for analysis and visualization with all the important metric,
  • log task and cli specific configs,
  • and more out of the box like the command used to run the evaluation, GPU/CPU counts, timestamp, etc.

First you'll need to install the lm_eval[wandb] package extra. Do pip install lm_eval[wandb].

Authenticate your machine with an your unique W&B token. Visit to get one. Do wandb login in your command line terminal.

Run eval harness as usual with a wandb_args flag. Use this flag to provide arguments for initializing a wandb run (wandb.init) as comma separated string arguments.

lm_eval \
    --model hf \
    --model_args pretrained=microsoft/phi-2,trust_remote_code=True \
    --tasks hellaswag,mmlu_abstract_algebra \
    --device cuda:0 \
    --batch_size 8 \
    --output_path output/phi-2 \
    --limit 10 \
    --wandb_args project=lm-eval-harness-integration \

In the stdout, you will find the link to the W&B run page as well as link to the generated report. You can find an example of this workflow in examples/visualize-wandb.ipynb, and an example of how to integrate it beyond the CLI.


The best way to get support is to open an issue on this repo or join the BabyLM slack. Join the #evaluation-pipeline channel, which is dedicated to support for use of this repository.

Optional Extras

Extras dependencies can be installed via pip install -e ".[NAME]"

Name Use
anthropic For using Anthropic's models
deepsparse For running NM's DeepSparse models
dev For linting PRs and contributions
gptq For loading models with GPTQ
hf_transfer For speeding up HF Hub file downloads
ifeval For running the IFEval task
neuronx For running on AWS inf2 instances
mamba For loading Mamba SSM models
math For running math task answer checking
multilingual For multilingual tokenizers
openai For using OpenAI's models
optimum For running Intel OpenVINO models
promptsource For using PromptSource prompts
sentencepiece For using the sentencepiece tokenizer
sparseml For using NM's SparseML models
testing For running library test suite
vllm For loading models with vLLM
zeno For visualizing results with Zeno
--------------- ---------------------------------------
all Loads all extras (not recommended)

Cite as

Please cite both of the following papers if you use this repository in your work:

      title={[Call for Papers] The 2nd {BabyLM} {C}hallenge: Sample-efficient pretraining on a developmentally plausible corpus}, 
      author={Leshem Choshen and Ryan Cotterell and Michael Y. Hu and Tal Linzen and Aaron Mueller and Candace Ross and Alex Warstadt and Ethan Wilcox and Adina Williams and Chengxu Zhuang},
      journal={Computing Research Repository},

  author       = {Gao, Leo and Tow, Jonathan and Abbasi, Baber and Biderman, Stella and Black, Sid and DiPofi, Anthony and Foster, Charles and Golding, Laurence and Hsu, Jeffrey and Le Noac'h, Alain and Li, Haonan and McDonell, Kyle and Muennighoff, Niklas and Ociepa, Chris and Phang, Jason and Reynolds, Laria and Schoelkopf, Hailey and Skowron, Aviya and Sutawika, Lintang and Tang, Eric and Thite, Anish and Wang, Ben and Wang, Kevin and Zou, Andy},
  title        = {A framework for few-shot language model evaluation},
  month        = 12,
  year         = 2023,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v0.4.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.10256836},
  url          = {}


The evaluation pipeline for the 2024 BabyLM Challenge.







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  • Python 99.2%
  • Other 0.8%