This is a docker image that eases setup Ruby on Rails; especially optimized for RoR 4.2.6.
- Small image: based on Alpine Linux
- Ruby 2.3
- Optimized for Ruby on Rails 4.2.6
- Supports CJK languages on Rails Console
This docker image contains native extension gems:
- nokogiri
- sqlite3
- debug_inspector
- binding_of_caller
- byebug
- pg
- puma
This docker image is available as an automated build on the docker registry hub, so using it is as simple as running:
$ docker pull shouldbee/rails
$ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/app shouldbee/rails sh -c 'gem install rails && rails new . -d postgresql'
$ docker run -v `pwd`:/app -p 3000 shouldbee/rails bundle exec rails server -b
$ git inti myapp
$ cd myapp
$ dinghy create --provider=virtualbox
$ eval $(dinghy shellinit)
$ docker run -it --rm -v `pwd`:/app shouldbee/rails sh -c 'gem install rails && rails new . -d postgresql'
Copy docker-compose-example/docker-compose.yml and docker-compose-example/Dockerfile to myapp and then:
$ docker-compose up -d
Finally, visit http://rails.docker.
make build