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Color Schemes CSS‐Variables

maximilianweidenauer edited this page Oct 19, 2023 · 1 revision

CSS-variables are set by putting the variable into :root e.g.

:root {
    --topbar-background: green;

Login Variables

Variable Description
login-mask-background The login masks lower part background-color
login-logo-background The login masks logo part background-color
login-shadow The shadow of the login mask

Text Variable

Variable Description
text-color The main text-color

Screen Variable

Variable Description
screen-background The background-color of the area where screens are displayed

TopBar Variables

Variable Description
topbar-background The background-color of the topbar
topbar-text-color The text-color of the topbar (also includes menubars)
topbar-logo-background The background-color of the logo of the topbar
topbar-button-background The background-color for the buttons of the topbar
topbar-button-hover-background The hover background-color for the buttons of the topbar
topbar-button-text-color The foreground-color for buttons of the topbar

Profile-Menu Variables

Variable Description
profile-background The background-color of the profile-menubar
profile-hover-background The hover background-color of the profile-menubar
profile-text-color The text-color of the profile-menu
profile-seperator A border which separates the profile menu from the topbar buttons
profile-submenu-background The background-color of the submenu (clicking profile-menu)
profile-item-hover-background The hover background-color when a menuitem is hovered
profile-item-hover-text-color The hover text-color when a menuitem is hovered

Standard-Menu Variables

Variable Description
std-menu-background The background-color of the standard menu
std-menu-item-hover-background The standard menu background-color of an item when hovering
std-menu-text-color The text-color of the standard menu
std-menu-item-hover-text-color The standard menu text-color of an item when hovering
std-menu-activeitem-color Text color of the active menuitem (screen is opened)
std-menu-border The border which separates the standard menu from topbar and screen
std-menu-fadeout-background The background of a div which makes it seem like the text of a menugroup or menuitems is fading out when the menu is collapsed

Scrollbar Variables

Variable Description
menu-scrollbar-background The background of the scrollbar
menu-scrollbar-color The color of the scrollbar
menu-scrollbar-hover-color The color of the scrollbar when hovering
corp-scrollbar-background The background of the scrollbar (corporation menu)

Corporation-Menu Variables

Variable Description
menubar-background The background-color of the corporation-menu's menubar
menubar-hover-background The hover background-color of the corporation-menu's menubar
menubar-text-color The text-color of the corporation-menu's menubar
menubar-submenu-background The background-color of the submenu (clicking corporation-menu)
menubar-item-hover-background The hover background-color when a menuitem is hovered
menubar-item-hover-text-color The hover text-color when a menuitem is hovered
corp-menu-speeddial-background The background-color of the corporation-menu speeddial
corp-menu-speeddial-color The text-color of the corporation-menu speeddial
corp-menu-speeddial-shadow The shadow of the corporation-menu speeddial

Primary-Color Variable

Variable Description
primary-color The primary-color of the app, mainly used for buttons.

Popupmenubutton Variables

Variable Description
popupmenubutton-panel-background The background-color for the popup panel when clicking the button
popupmenubutton-item-color The text-color of an item
popupmenubutton-item-hover-background The background-color when hovering an item
popupmenubutton-item-hover-text-color The text-color when hovering an item

Inputfield Variables

Variable Description
input-background The background-color of an input field
input-border-width The border width of an input field
input-border-color The border color of an input field
input-border-hover-color The border color of an input field when hovering
input-placeholder-color The text-color of an input fields placeholder

Checkbox Variables

Variable Description
checkbox-background The background-color of an unselected checkbox
checkbox-border The border of an unselected checkbox
checkbox-border-hover-color The border color of an unselected checkbox when hovering
checkbox-selected-background The background-color of a selected checkbox
checkbox-selected-hover-background The hover background-color of a selected checkbox
checkbox-color The text-color of a selected checkbox

Radiobutton Variables

Variable Description
radiobutton-background The background-color of an unselected radiobutton
radiobutton-border The border of an unselected radiobutton
radiobutton-border-hover-color The border color of an unselected radiobutton when hovering
radiobutton-selected-outer-background The outer ring background-color of a selected radiobutton
radiobutton-selected-outer-hover-background The outer ring hover background-color of a selected radiobutton
radiobutton-inner-color The inner color of a selected radiobutton

Toolbar Variables

Variable Description
toolbar-background The background-color of a toolbar
toolbar-border-color The border color of a toolbar
toolbar-color The color of a toolbar
toolbar-separator-color The color of the separator between toolbars

Table Variables

Variable Description
table-border The border of the table
table-header-background The background-color of table header columns
table-header-border The border for table header columns
table-header-hover-background The background-color when hovering a table header
table-header-color The color for table header columns
table-header-hover-color The color for table header columns when hovering
table-row-odd-background The background-color of odd rows
table-row-even-background The background-color of even rows
table-row-hover-background The hover background-color of rows
table-selected-row-background The background-color of a selected row
table-row-border The border of table rows
table-cell-hover-color The text-color of the cell-content when hovering the cell
table-required-odd-background The background-color for required columns in odd rows
table-required-even-background The background-color for required columns in even rows
table-required-color The text-color of required rows
table-readonly-odd-background The background-color for readonly columns in odd rows
table-readonly-even-background The background-color for readonly columns in even rows

table-sort-color | The text-color for sort indicators table-text-color | The text color of the table

LinkedCellEditor Variables

Variable Description
linked-panel-background The background-color of the LinkedCellEditor's panel
linked-item-color The text color of an item
linked-item-hover-background The background-color of an item when hovering it
linked-item-hover-text-color The text-color of an item when hovering it
linked-highlighted-color The color when an item is highlighted

DateCellEditor Variables

Variable Description
date-panel-background The background-color of the DatePicker
date-panel-color The text-color of the DatePicker
date-panel-header-border The border which separates the year/month picker from the day picker
date-panel-hover-color The text-color of a day when hovering over it
date-selected-background The background-color of a selected day

Dialog/Popup Variables

Variable Description
dialog-header-background The background-color of a dialogs header
dialog-header-text-color The text-color of a dialogs header
dialog-header-border The border which separates the header of a dialog from the content
dialog-header-close-hover-background The hover background-color of the closing 'x'
dialog-header-close-hover-color The hover text-color of the 'x' to close a dialog
dialog-content-background The background-color of a dialogs content

Tabset Variables

Variable Description
tab-navbar-background The background-color of the Tabset navigation-bar
tab-selected-color The border- and text-color of a selected Tab
tab-hover-background The background-color when hovering a Tab
tab-border-color The bottom-border color of an unselected Tab
tab-close-color The color of the closing 'x'
tab-close-hover-color The hover color of the closing 'x'

Tree Variables

Variable Description
tree-background The background-color of the tree
tree-border The border of the tree
tree-color The text-color of the tree
tree-item-hover-background The background-color of a tree-item when hovering it
tree-item-hover-color The text-color of a tree-item when hovering it
tree-selected-item-background The background-color of a selected tree-item
tree-selected-item-color The text-color of a selected tree-item
tree-odd-background The background-color of odd tree-items
tree-even-background The background-color of even tree-items

HTML-Editor Variables

Variable Description
html-toolbar-background The background-color of a HTML-Editors toolbar
html-toolbar-border The border of a HTML-Editors toolbar
html-toolbar-button-background The button-color of a HTML-Editors toolbar
html-toolbar-button-hover-background The background-color of toolbar-buttons when hovering them
html-picker-expanded-background The background-color of picker panel elements (popupmenus)
html-picker-item-color The text-color of picker items (popupmenus)
html-picker-item-hover-background The background-color when hovering picker items (popupmenus)
html-picker-item-hover-color The text-color of picker items when hovering them (popupmenus)

Message Variables

Variable Description
message-info-header-background The header background-color of info messages
message-info-header-close-hover The background-color behind the 'x' to close the message when hovering it of info messages
message-info-header-color The header text-color info messages
message-warning-header-background The header background-color of warning messages
message-warning-header-close-hover The background-color behind the 'x' to close the message when hovering it of warning messages
message-warning-header-color The header text-color warning messages
message-error-header-background The header background-color of error messages
message-error-header-close-hover The background-color behind the 'x' to close the message when hovering it of error messages
message-error-header-color The header text-color error messages
message-question-header-background The header background-color of question messages
message-question-header-close-hover The background-color behind the 'x' to close the message when hovering it of question messages
message-question-header-color The header text-color question messages

Error-Bar Variable

Variable Description
error-bar-background The background-color of the error-bar
error-bar-color The text-color of the error-bar
gone-background The background-color of the gone-bar
gone-color The text-color of the gone-bar

Loading-Screen Variables

Variable Description
loading-screen-left-background The background-color for the left side of the loading-screen
loading-screen-right-background The background-color for the right side of the loading-screen

Focus Variables

Variable Description
focus-box-shadow The box-shadow when focusing a component

TopBar Variable

Variable Description
topbar-colors The colors of the topbar to indicate loading
topbar-medium-interval-colors The color of the topbar for medium response times. If there is no valid color set, the topbar color will choose its default color
topbar-long-interval-colors The color of the topbar for long response times. If there is no valid color set, the topbar color will choose its default color

Border-Radius Variables

It is also possible to change the border-radius of components

Variable Description
login-border-radius The border-radius for the login mask
button-border-radius The border-radius for buttons
checkbox-border-radius The border-radius for checkboxes
editor-border-radius The border-radius for Editors/Inputs
date-border-radius The border-radius for the DatePicker Panel
linked-border-radius The border-radius for the LinkedCellEditor Panel
table-border-radius The border-radius for tables
tab-border-radius The border-radius for the Tabset navbar
dialog-border-radius The border-radius for Dialogs/Popups
toolbar-border-radius The border-radius for toolbars

Loading Topbar Variables

Variable Description
topbar-colors two color values which are displayed by topbar which is shown when the client is communicating with the server

System Color Variables (is only set when systemcolor is set on an comp background in VisionX)

Variable Description
mandatory-background The background color of mandatory fields
readonly-background The background color of readonly fields
invalid-background The background color of invalid fields

V2 Variables

Launcher Variables

Variable Description
launcher-toolbar-background The launchers toolbar background color
launcher-toolbar-border The launchers border
launcher-toolbar-button-text-color The launchers toolbar buttons text-color
launcher-toolbar-button-hover-background The launchers toolbar buttons background color when hovering
launcher-toolbar-button-hover-text-color The launchers toolbar buttons text color when hovering

Frame Variables

Variable Description
frame-menubar-background The frames menubar background color
frame-menubar-hover-background The frames menubar hover background color
frame-menubar-text-color The frames menubar text-color
frame-menubar-submenu-background The frames menubar submenu background color
frame-menubar-item-hover-background The frames menubar sub-items hover background color
frame-menubar-item-hover-text-color The frames menubar sub-items hover text-color
frame-toolbar-background The background color of the frames toolbar
frame-toolbar-border The border of the frames toolbar
frame-toolbar-button-text-color The text-color of buttons of the frames toolbar
frame-toolbar-button-hover-background The background color when hovering toolbar buttons in the frame
frame-toolbar-button-hover-text-color The text-color when hovering toolbar buttons in the frame
frame-header-background The background color for frame headers
frame-header-color The text-color for frame headers
frame-header-border The border for frame headers
frame-header-button-hover-background The hover background color of the frame close button
frame-header-button-hover-color The hover text color of the frame close button
frame-border-radius Border radius of the frame
frame-shadow Box shadow of the frame
frame-border-width The frames border-width on the sides