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RPly: ANSI C library for PLY file format input and output

ANSI C Library for PLY file format input and output


RPly is a library that lets applications read and write PLY files. The PLY file format is widely used to store geometric information, such as 3D models, but is general enough to be useful for other purposes.

There are other libraries out there, of course. I tried using them and finally decided to write my own. The result is RPly, and I hope you are as happy with it as I am.

RPly is easy to use, well documented, small, free, open-source, ANSI C, efficient, and well tested. I will keep supporting it for a while because all my tools use the library for input/output. The highlights are:

  • A callback mechanism that makes PLY file input straightforward;
  • Support for the full range of numeric formats though the user only deals with doubles;
  • Binary (big and little endian) and text modes are fully supported;
  • Input and output are buffered for efficiency;
  • Available under the MIT license for added freedom.

The format was developed at Stanford University for use with their 3D scanning projects. Greg Turk's PLY library, available from Georgia Institute of Technology, seems to be the standard reference to the PLY file format, although there are some variations out there.

Whatever documentation and examples were found, were taken into consideration to create RPly. In theory, since RPly doesn't try to interpret the meaning of the data in a PLY file, it should be able to read any PLY file. In practice, the library works with all PLY files that I could find.


Version 1.1.4 of RPly is available for download in source code. Examples and documentation are packed inside the tarball. Have fun!

Copyright © 2003-2015 Diego Nehab. All rights reserved.
Author: Diego Nehab

What's new?

  • Fixed bug that prevented reading of ASCII files that are not terminated by a whitespace;
  • Added ply_open_from_file and ply_create_to_file variants to ply_open and ply_create, respectively, that receive file pointers instead of file names.

RPly's idea of what a PLY file is

A PLY file contains the description of one object. This object is composed by elements, each element type being defined by a group of properties. The PLY file format specifies a syntax for the description of element types and the properties that compose them, as well as comments and meta-information.

The element type descriptions come in a header, which is followed by element instances. Element instances come grouped by their type, in the order of declaration. Each element instance is defined by the value of its properties. Properties values also appear in the order of their declaration. Here is a sample PLY file describing a triangle:

ply format ascii 1.0 comment this is a simple file obj_info any data, in one line of free form text element vertex 3 property float x property float y property float z element face 1 property list uchar int vertex_indices end_header -1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 2

The header goes from the first line to the line marked by end_header. The first line contains only ply\n and is used to detect whether a file is in PLY format or not (RPly also accepts files that start with ply\r\n, in which case the end-of-line terminator is assumed to be \r\n throughout.) The second line specifies the format number (which is always 1.0) and the storage mode (ascii, binary_big_endian or binary_little_endian).

Lines that start with comment are just comments, of course. Lines that start with obj_info contain meta-information about the object. Comments and obj_infos are optional and their relative order in the header is irrelevant.

In the sample PLY file, the first element type is declared with name vertex, and on the same line we learn that there will be 3 instances of this element type. The properties following describe what a vertex element looks like. Each vertex is declared to consist of 3 scalar properties, named x, y and z. Each scalar property is declared to be of type float.

Scalar types can be any of the following: int8, uint8, int16, uint16, int32, uint32, float32, float64, char, uchar, short, ushort, int, uint, float, double. They consist of signed and unsigned integer types of sizes 8, 16 and 32 bits, as well as floating point types of 32 and 64bits.

Next, the face element type is declared, of which only 1 instance will be given. This element consists of a list property, named vertex_indices. Lists are sequences on which the first value, the length, gives the number of remaining values. List properties are described by the scalar type of their length field and the scalar type of the remaining fields. In the case of vertex_indices, the length field is of type uchar and the remaining values are of type int.

Following the header, come the elements, in the order they were declared in the header. First come the 3 elements of type vertex, each represented by the value of their properties x, y and z. Then comes the single face element, composed by a single list of type vertex_indices containing 3 values (0 1 2).

How to read a file with RPly

Most users that want to read a PLY file already know which elements and properties they are interested in. In the following example, we will implement a simple program that dumps the contents of a PLY file to the terminal, in a different, simpler format that only works for triangles.

This simple format has a header that gives the number of vertices in the first line and the number of triangles in the second line. Following the header come the vertices, and finally the triangles. Here is the sample code for the program:

#include <stdio.h> #include "rply.h"

static int vertex_cb(p_ply_argument argument) { long eol; ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, NULL, &eol); printf("%g", ply_get_argument_value(argument)); if (eol) printf("\n"); else printf(" "); return 1; }

static int face_cb(p_ply_argument argument) { long length, value_index; ply_get_argument_property(argument, NULL, &length, &value_index); switch (value_index) { case 0: case 1: printf("%g ", ply_get_argument_value(argument)); break; case 2: printf("%g\n", ply_get_argument_value(argument)); break; default: break; } return 1; }

int main(void) { long nvertices, ntriangles; p_ply ply = ply_open("input.ply", NULL, 0, NULL); if (!ply) return 1; if (!ply_read_header(ply)) return 1; nvertices = ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "x", vertex_cb, NULL, 0); ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "y", vertex_cb, NULL, 0); ply_set_read_cb(ply, "vertex", "z", vertex_cb, NULL, 1); ntriangles = ply_set_read_cb(ply, "face", "vertex_indices", face_cb, NULL, 0); printf("%ld\n%ld\n", nvertices, ntriangles); if (!ply_read(ply)) return 1; ply_close(ply); return 0; }

RPly uses callbacks to pass data to an application. Independent callbacks can be associated with each property of each element. For scalar properties, the callback is invoked once for each instance. For list properties, the callback is invoked first with the number of entries in the instance, and then once for each of the data entries. This is exactly the order in which the data items appear in the file.

To keep things simple, values are always passed as double, regardless of how they are stored in the file. From its parameters, callbacks can find out exactly which part of the file is being processed (including the actual type of the value), plus access custom information provided by the user in the form of a pointer and an integer constant.

In our example, we start with a call to ply_open to open a file for reading. Then we get RPly to parse it's header, with a call to ply_read_header. After the header is parsed, RPly knows which element types and properties are available. We then set callbacks for each of the vertex element properties and the face property (using ply_set_read_cb). Finally, we invoke the main RPly reading function, ply_read. This function reads all data in the file, passing the data to the appropriate callbacks. After all reading is done, we call ply_close to release any resources used by RPly.

There are some details, of course. Ply_set_read_cb returns the number of instances of the target property (which is the same as the number of element instances). This is how the program obtains the number of vertices and faces in the file.

RPly lets us associate one pointer and one integer to each callback. We are free to use either or both to link some context to our callbacks. Our example uses the integer placeholder to tell vertex_cb that it has to break the line after the z property (notice the last argument of ply_set_read_cb).

Vertex_cb gets the user data and the property value from it's argument and prints accordingly. The face_cb callback is a bit more complicated because lists are more complicated. Since the simple file format only supports triangles, it only prints the first 3 list values, after which it breaks the line.

The output of the program, as expected, is:

3 1 -1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 2

Writing files with RPly

The next example is somewhat more involved. We will create a program that converts our simple PLY file to binary mode. Besides showing how to write a PLY file, this example also illustrates the query functions. We do not know a priori which elements and properties, comments and obj_infos will be in the input file, so we need a way to find out. Although our simple program would work on any PLY file, a better version of this program is available from the RPly distribution. For simplicity, the simple version omits error messages and command line parameter processing.

In practice, writing a file is even easier than reading one. First we create a file in binary mode, with a call to ply_create (notice the argument PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN that gives the storage mode). Then, we define the elements using ply_add_element. After each element, we define its properties using ply_add_scalar_property or ply_add_list_property. When we are done with elements and properties, we add comments and obj_infos. We then write the header with ply_write_header and send all data items. The data items are sent one by one, with calls to ply_write, in the same order they are to appear in the file. Again, to simplify things, this function receives data as double and performs the needed conversion. Here is the code for the example:

#include <stdio.h> #include "rply.h"

static int callback(p_ply_argument argument) { void *pdata; /* just pass the value from the input file to the output file */ ply_get_argument_user_data(argument, &pdata, NULL); ply_write((p_ply) pdata, ply_get_argument_value(argument)); return 1; }

static int setup_callbacks(p_ply iply, p_ply oply) { p_ply_element element = NULL; /* iterate over all elements in input file */ while ((element = ply_get_next_element(iply, element))) { p_ply_property property = NULL; long ninstances = 0; const char *element_name; ply_get_element_info(element, &element_name, &ninstances); /* add this element to output file */ if (!ply_add_element(oply, element_name, ninstances)) return 0; /* iterate over all properties of current element */ while ((property = ply_get_next_property(element, property))) { const char *property_name; e_ply_type type, length_type, value_type; ply_get_property_info(property, &property_name, &type, &length_type, &value_type); /* setup input callback for this property */ if (!ply_set_read_cb(iply, element_name, property_name, callback, oply, 0)) return 0; /* add this property to output file */ if (!ply_add_property(oply, property_name, type, length_type, value_type)) return 0; } } return 1; }

int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char *value; p_ply iply, oply; iply = ply_open("input.ply", NULL, 0, NULL); if (!iply) return 1; if (!ply_read_header(iply)) return 1; oply = ply_create("output.ply", PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, NULL, 0, NULL); if (!oply) return 1; if (!setup_callbacks(iply, oply)) return 1; /* pass comments and obj_infos from input to output */ value = NULL; while ((value = ply_get_next_comment(iply, value))) if (!ply_add_comment(oply, value)) return 1; value = NULL; while ((value = ply_get_next_obj_info(iply, value))) if (!ply_add_obj_info(oply, value)) return 1;; /* write output header */ if (!ply_write_header(oply)) return 1; /* read input file generating callbacks that pass data to output file */ if (!ply_read(iply)) return 1; /* close up, we are done */ if (!ply_close(iply)) return 1; if (!ply_close(oply)) return 1; return 0; }

RPly uses iterators to let the user loop over a PLY file header. A function is used to get the first item of a given class (element, property etc). Passing the last returned item to the same function produces the next item, until there are no more items. Examples of iterator use can be seen in the main function, which uses them to loop over comments and obj_infos, and in the setup_callbacks function, which loops over elements and properties.

In the setup_callbacks function, for each element in the input, an equivalent element is defined in the output. For each property in each element, an equivalent property is defined in the output. Notice that the same callback is specified for all properties. It is given the output PLY handle as the context pointer. Each time it is called, it passes the received value to ply_write on the output handle. It is as simple as that.

A note on locale

ASCII PLY files are supposed to use the C locale for numeric formatting. RPly relies on library functions (such as fprintf and strtod) that are affected by the current locale. If your software modifies the locale (or if it uses another library/toolkit that does) and you use RPly under the modified locale, you may be unable to read or write properly formatted ASCII PLY files.

Modifying RPly internally to hedge against different locales would be complicated, particularly in multi-threaded applications. Therefore, RPly leaves this as your responsibility. To protect against locale problems in the simplest scenario, you should bracket RPly I/O as follows:

#include <locale.h> /* Save application locale */ const char *old_locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, NULL); /* Change to PLY standard */ setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); /* Use the RPly library */ ...

/* Restore application locale when done */ setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, old_locale);

Reference Manual

p_ply ply_open(const char *name, p_ply_error_cb error_cb, long idata, void *pdata)

Opens a PLY file for reading, checks if it is a valid PLY file and returns a handle to it.

Name is the file name, and error_cb is a function to be called when an error is found. Arguments idata and pdata are available to the error callback via the ply_get_ply_user_data function. If error_cb is NULL, the default error callback is used. It prints a message to the standard error stream.

Returns a handle to the file or NULL on error.

Note: Error_cb is of type void (*p_ply_error_cb)(p_ply ply, const char *message).

p_ply ply_open_from_file(FILE *file_pointer, p_ply_error_cb error_cb, long idata, void *pdata)

Checks if the FILE pointer points to a valid PLY file and returns a handle to it. The handle can be used wherever a handle returned by ply_open is accepted.

File_pointer is the FILE pointer open for reading, and error_cb is a function to be called when an error is found. Arguments idata and pdata are available to the error callback via the ply_get_ply_user_data function. If error_cb is NULL, the default error callback is used. It prints a message to the standard error stream.

Returns a handle to the file or NULL on error.

Note: Error_cb is of type void (*p_ply_error_cb)(p_ply ply, const char *message).

Note: This function is declared in header rplyfile.h.

int ply_get_ply_user_data(p_ply_ply ply, void *pdata, long *idata)

Retrieves user data from the ply handle.

Ply is the handle passed to the error callback. Pdata receives the user data pointer. Idata receives the user data integer. Pdata and idata can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_read_header(p_ply ply)

Reads and parses the header of a PLY file. After a call to this function, the query functions ply_get_next_element, ply_get_next_property, ply_get_next_comment, and ply_get_next_obj_info can be called. Callbacks can also be set with the ply_set_read_cb function.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

long ply_set_read_cb(
   p_ply ply,
   const char *element_name,
   const char *property_name,
   p_ply_read_cb read_cb,
   void *pdata,
   long idata

Sets up the callback to be invoked when the value of a property is read.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open. Element_name and property_name are the names of the element and property of interest. Read_cb is the callback function. Pdata and idata are user data to be passed to the callback function.

Returns the number of instances of the element of interest.

Note: Read_cb is of type int (*p_ply_read_cb)(p_ply_argument argument). The callback should return 1 to continue the reading process, or return 0 to abort.

int ply_get_argument_element(
   p_ply_argument argument,
   p_ply_element *element,
   long *instance_index

Retrieves element information from the callback argument.

Argument is the handle passed to the callback. Element receives a handle to the element originating the callback. Instance_index receives the index of the instance of the element being read. Element and instance_index can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

Note: further information can be obtained from element with a call to ply_get_element_info.

int ply_get_argument_property(
   p_ply_argument argument,
   p_ply_property *property,
   long *length,
   long *value_index

Retrieves property information from the callback argument.

Argument is the handle passed to the callback. Property receives a handle to the property originating the callback. Length receives the number of values in the list property (1 for scalar properties). Value_index receives the index of the current property entry (0 for scalar properties, -1 for the first value of a list property, the one that gives the number of entries). Property, length and value_index can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

Note: further information can be obtained from property with a call to ply_get_property_info.

int ply_get_argument_user_data(p_ply_argument argument, void *pdata, long *idata)

Retrieves the user data from the callback argument.

Argument is the handle passed to the callback. Pdata receives the user data pointer. Idata receives the user data integer. Pdata and idata can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

double ply_get_argument_value(p_ply_argument argument)

Retrieves the property value from the callback argument.

Argument is the handle passed to the callback.

Returns the property value.

int ply_read(p_ply ply)

Reads all data in file, calling appropriate callbacks.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

p_ply_element ply_get_next_element(p_ply ply, p_ply_element last)

Iterates over all elements on the header of a PLY file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open. Ply_read_header must have been called on the handle otherwise no elements will be found. Last is NULL to retrieve the first element, and an element to retrieve the next element.

Returns the next element, or NULL if no more elements.

Note: further information can be obtained from an element with a call to ply_get_element_info.

p_ply_property ply_get_next_property(p_ply_element element, p_ply_property last)

Iterates over all properties of an element.

Element is an element handle. Last is NULL to retrieve the first property, and a property to retrieve the next property.

Returns the next property, or NULL if no more properties.

Note: further information can be obtained from a property with a call to ply_get_property_info.

const char *ply_get_next_comment(p_ply ply, const char *last)

Iterates over all comments on the header of a PLY file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open. Ply_read_header must have been called on the handle otherwise no comments will be found. Last is NULL to retrieve the first comment, and a comment to retrieve the next comment.

Returns the next comment, or NULL if no more comments.

const char *ply_get_next_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *last)

Iterates over all obj_infos on the header of a PLY file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_open. Ply_read_header must have been called on the handle otherwise no obj_infos will be found. Last is NULL to retrieve the first obj_info, and a obj_info to retrieve the next obj_info.

Returns the next obj_info, or NULL if no more obj_infos.

int ply_get_element_info(p_ply_element element, const char** name, long *ninstances)

Retrieves information from an element handle.

Element is the handle of the element of interest. Name receives the internal copy of the element name. Ninstances receives the number of instances of this element in the file. Both name and ninstances can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_get_property_info(
   p_ply_property property,
   const char** name,
   e_ply_type *type,
   e_ply_type *length_type,
   e_ply_type *value_type

Retrieves information from a property handle.

Property is the handle of the property of interest. Name receives the internal copy of the property name. Type receives the property type. Length_type receives the scalar type of the first entry in a list property (the one that gives the number of entries). Value_type receives the scalar type of the remaining list entries. Name, type, length_type, and value_type can be NULL.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

Note: Length_type and value_type can receive any of the constants for scalar types defined in e_ply_type. Type can, in addition, be PLY_LIST, in which case the property is a list property and the fields length_type and value_type become meaningful.

p_ply ply_create(const char *name, e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode, p_ply_error_cb error_cb)

Creates a PLY file for writing.

Name is the file name, storage_mode is the file storage mode (PLY_ASCII, PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, PLY_BIG_ENDIAN, or PLY_DEFAULT to automatically detect host endianess). Error_cb is a function to be called when an error is found. Arguments idata and pdata are available to the error callback via the ply_get_ply_user_data function. If error_cb is NULL, the default error callback is used. It prints a message to the standard error stream.

Returns a handle to the file or NULL on error.

Note: Error_cb is of type void (*p_ply_error_cb)(const char *message)

p_ply ply_create_to_file(FILE *file_pointer, e_ply_storage_mode storage_mode, p_ply_error_cb error_cb)

Creates a PLY file to be written to a FILE pointer and returns a handle to it. The handle can be used wherever a handle returned by ply_create is accepted.

File_pointer a pointer to a file open for writing, storage_mode is the file storage mode (PLY_ASCII, PLY_LITTLE_ENDIAN, PLY_BIG_ENDIAN, or PLY_DEFAULT to automatically detect host endianess). Error_cb is a function to be called when an error is found. Arguments idata and pdata are available to the error callback via the ply_get_ply_user_data function. If error_cb is NULL, the default error callback is used. It prints a message to the standard error stream.

Returns a handle to the file or NULL on error.

Note: Error_cb is of type void (*p_ply_error_cb)(const char *message)

Note: This function is declared in header rplyfile.h.

int ply_add_element(p_ply ply, const char *name, long ninstances)

Adds a new element to the ply file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create, name is the element name and ninstances is the number of instances of this element that will be written to the file.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_add_property(
   p_ply ply,
   const char *name,
   e_ply_type type,
   e_ply_type length_type,
   e_ply_type value_type

Adds a new property to the last element added to the ply file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create and name is the property name. Type is the property type. Length_type is the scalar type of the first entry in a list property (the one that gives the number of entries). Value_type is the scalar type of the remaining list entries. If type is not PLY_LIST, length_type and value_type are ignored.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

Note: Length_type and value_type can be any of the constants for scalar types defined in e_ply_type. Type can, in addition, be PLY_LIST, in which case the property is a list property and the fields length_type and value_type become meaningful.

int ply_add_list_property(
   p_ply ply,
   const char *name,
   e_ply_type length_type,
   e_ply_type value_type

Same as ply_add_property if type is PLY_LIST.

int ply_add_scalar_property(p_ply ply, const char *name, e_ply_type type)

Same as ply_add_property if type is not PLY_LIST.

int ply_add_comment(p_ply ply, const char *comment);

Adds a comment to a PLY file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create and comment is the comment text.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_add_obj_info(p_ply ply, const char *obj_info);

Adds a obj_info to a PLY file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create and obj_info is the obj_info text.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_write_header(p_ply ply);

Writes the PLY file header to disk, after all elements, properties, comments and obj_infos have been added to the handle.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create and comment is the comment text.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_write(p_ply ply, double value);

Passes a value to be stored in the PLY file. Values must be passed in the order they will appear in the file.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create and value is the value to be stored. For simplicity, values are always passed as double and conversion is performed as needed.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

int ply_close(p_ply ply);

Closes the handle and ensures that all resources have been freed and data have been written.

Ply is a handle returned by ply_create or by ply_open.

Returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise.

Documentation last modified by Diego Nehab on Fri Aug 21 17:11:09 BRT 2015


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