Revise Java - Link Revise JAVADS - Link Revise Java HashMap - Link Revise Java ArrayList - Link AVL Trees - Link
sorting link
- [selection sort, bubble sort, insertion sort, merge sort, quick sort] (
- Merge two sorted arrays
- min cost to remove all elements such that cost to remove one element is sum of array
- Lower Bound
- Upper Bound
- First and last position
- Smaller or equal elements
- Search 2d Matrix
- Search insert position
- Guess Number Higher or lower
- Arranging Coins
- Valid Perfect Square
- Peak element
- Koko eating bananas
- Successfull pair of spells and potions
- Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days
- Minimize the maximum difference of the pairs
- Split Array Largest Sum
- Fibonacci TD
- Fibonacci BU
- Friends Pairing TD
- Coinchange TD
- Coinchange BU
- Perfect Square TD
- Minimum Cost for tickets TD
- Minimum Cost for tickets BU
- Triangle BU
- Triangle TD
- Combination sum 4 BU
- Combination sum 4 TD
- Arithmetic Slices TD
- Arithmetic Slices BU
- Arithmetic Slices 2
- Buy and sell stock 4
- Buy and sell stock 3
- Buy and sell stock 2
- Buy and sell stock 1
- Add at head
- Add at tail
- Add at index
- Delete at index
- Get at index
- Design browser history
- Remove duplicated in sorted list
- Remove nth node from last
- Swapping nodes in LL
- Partition List
- Maximum twin sum
- Add at head for dll
- Add at tail for dll
- Remove at head for dll
- Remove at tail for dll
- LRU Cache
- Stack using Array
- Stack using LL
- Removing stars from string
- Maximum frequency stack
- Valid parenthesis
- Asteroid collision
- Build an array with stack operations
- Backspace string
- Implement queue using LL
- Design middle front back queue
- QUeue using stacks - Enqueue efficient
- Queue using stacks - Dequeue efficient
- Design circular queue
- Implmentation of deque
- Sliding window maximum
- Level order levelwise
- Preorder traversal
- Post order traversal
- Inorder traversal
- Invert a BT
- Maximum depth of a BT
- Diameter of a BT
- Balanced BT
- Sum root to leaf
- Find boot left value
- Largest value in each tree row
- Duplicate subtrees
- mMaximum width of a binary tree
- Flip Equivalent
- House robber 3
- Construct string from binary tree
- Insert in a BST
- Search a node in BST
- Delete a node in bst
- Kth smallest element in BST
- Max path sum
- Convert sorted list to bst
- Rehashing Algorithm
- Insert in Hashmap
- Delete in Hashmap
- Search in Hashmap
- Hashfunction for strings
- Update in hashmap
- Upheapify
- Downheappify
- Insert in a heap
- Remove from a heap
- Generic heap
- Kth largest elements
- Heapsort
- K closes point to origin
- Merge k sorted lists
- Kth smallest prime fraction
- Adjacency list
- Adjacency matrix
- Check if path exist DFS
- Check if path exist BFS
- Number of Islands
- Max area of island
- Rotten oranges
- Surrounded regions
- Course schedule
- Course schedule 2
- Dijkstra's algorithm
- Cycle detection
- Kruskal's algorithm
- Sort colors - try with 2 pointers
- reverse words in a string
- 4sum - try with 2 points
- move zeros
- Take K Character
- Implement bubble sort using recursion without any single loop.
- Implement selection sort using recursion.
- Merge two sorted arrays - Solve it without using extra result array
- Inversion count (Hint: Think with Merge sort)
- Count of smaller numbers after self (Hint: Think with Merge sort)
- Make array 0 by subtracting equal amount
- Implement partition algorithm and then modify it to make quick sort (randomised)
- Intersection of two arrays
- Intersection of two arrays 2
- Number of pairs satisfing inequality
- Sqrt
- Single element in sorted array
- First missing positive - searching problem
- Count element occurence
- Search in rotated soted array
- Find min in rotated sorted array
- Peak in mountain array
- Search in sorted rotated array 2
- Code - Successfull pair of spells and potions
- New - Code JS Solution for minimize maximum pair
- New Median of two sorted arrays
- New Book Allocation
- New Painter Partition
- New Red Zone
- Try BU solution for Friends Pairing
- Try Perfect Square BU
- Climbing stairs
- Min Cost climbing stairs
- House Robber
- Delete and Earn
- Nth tribonacci
- Count LIS
- Arithmetic Slices Try to optimise space complexity in BU
- Min Path Sum
- Edit Distance
- Unique Paths
- Unique Paths 2
- Paint House
- Paint House 2
- Mid point of linked list
- Reverse a ll
- Reverse nodes in group of k
- Add two numbers
- Copy list with random pointer
- Merge two sorted lists
- Intersection of LL
- Insertion sort LL
- Stack using queue - Push efficient
- Stack using queue - pop efficient
- Simplify path
- Largest histogram
- Sum of subarray minimum
- Min stack
- Stock span
- Reverse a stack
- Remove adjacent duplicates
- Average of levels
- Reverse level ordeer
- Cousins in a BT
- ZigZag level order
- Right view of a BT
- Serialise deserialise BT
- SUbtree of another tree
- Merge binary trees
- Construct BT using pre and in order
- BST To greater sum tree
- Validate BST
- Verify BST from preorder LINTCODE
- All full BT
- Trim
- Number of ways to reorder bst
- Distribute coins in a BST
- All paths from source to target
- Pacific Atlantic water flow
- Count Sub islands
- As far from land as possible
- Path with minimum effort
- Reconstruct itenary
- Min cost to connect all points
- Network delay time
- Swim in rising water
- ALien dictionary
- Word ladder
- Is graph bipartite
- Detonate bombs
- Number of closed islands
- Take N as input. If the number is prime, print “Prime” otherwise print “Not Prime”.
- Take N as input. Print Nth Fibonacci number. 0 is the 0th Fibonacci number and 1 is 1st Fibonacci number.
- Take N as input. Calculate its reverse. Print the reverse.
- Take N as input. Print all prime numbers from 2 to N.
- Take N as input. Print all Fibonacci numbers less than N.
- Take N as input. Print the sum of its odd placed digits and sum of its even placed digits.
- Take N (number in binary format). Write a function that converts it to decimal format. Print the value returned.
- Take N (number in decimal format). Write a function that converts it to octal format. Print the value returned.
- Take N (number in octal format). Write a function that converts it to binary format. Print the value returned.
- Take sb (source number system base), db (destination number system base) and sn (number in source format). Write a function that converts sn to its counterpart in destination number system. Print the value returned.