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Michele Campus edited this page Oct 25, 2017 · 5 revisions

Transport Modules

Transport modules are used by captagent to send packets and reports to collectors using different methods and protocols. By default, the HEP method is activated.


The HEP module is used to define a HEP collector for captured packets, such as HOMER.

The critical parameters are:

  • capture-host: defines the IP/hostname of the collector
  • capture-port: defines the PORT to deliver HEP packets at the collector
  • capture-proto: defines the transport protocol for HEP packets [udp/tcp]
  • capture-id: defines a unique delivery HEP-ID to be used for filtering

NOTE: Parameters such as capt-password and payload-compression are currently only used in advanced deployments and can be ignored for standard setups.

Example HEP Configuration:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent_module/xml">
    <module name="transport_hep" description="HEP Protocol" serial="2014010402">
        <profile name="hepsocket" description="Transport HEP" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
                <param name="version" value="3"/>
                <param name="capture-host" value="your.homer.ip"/>
                <param name="capture-port" value="9060"/>
                <param name="capture-proto" value="udp"/>
                <param name="capture-id" value="2016"/>
                <param name="capture-password" value="myHep"/>
                <param name="payload-compression" value="false"/>


The JSON module is used to define a collector used by captagent to deliver JSON messages and statistics, such as HOMER.

The critical parameters are:

  • capture-host: defines the IP/hostname of the JSON API
  • capture-port: defines the PORT for the JSON API
  • capture-proto: defines the transport protocol for HEP packets [udp|tcp]
  • capture-id: defines a unique delivery HEP-ID to be used for filtering
  • payload-send: defines if full packet payload should be included in API POST [true|false]
Example JSON Configuration:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<document type="captagent_module/xml">
    <module name="output_json" description="JSON Protocol" serial="2014010402">
	<profile name="jsonsocket" description="Output JSON" enable="true" serial="2014010402">
		<param name="capture-version" value="1"/>
		<param name="capture-host" value=""/>
		<param name="capture-port" value="9061"/>
		<param name="capture-proto" value="udp"/>
		<param name="capture-id" value="2001"/>
		<param name="payload-send" value="true"/>