We love the HAR file but it's hard to actually see what the page includes only looking at the file. The PageXray converts a HAR file to a JSON format that is easier to read. We use the format internally in the coach and sitespeed.io. And with PageXray you can use it standalone in your browser.
- The size and the number of requests per content type
- The size and requests per domain
- The number of requests per response code
- The base domain and the httpVersion used for the base asset (the main HTML document)
- All assets (responses) with the following data: type, url, size, expires (a normalized expires converting max-age/expires to just expires in seconds), status (response code), timeSinceLastModified (using the last modified field in the response header and normalizing to seconds), httpVersion and all request and response headers.
- If you use a HAR from WebPageTest we also get SpeedIndex and other VisualMetrics.
- If your HAR is from sitespeed.io you will also get some extra metrics like SpeedIndex.
npm install pagexray -g
pagexray /path/to/my.har
Or if you want to prettify the HAR
pagexray --pretty /path/to/my.har
And if you want to get info per request/response:
pagexray --includeAssets /path/to/my.har
If you want to use it in node, use it like this:
const fs = require("fs");
const pagexray = require("pagexray");
const har = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("/path/to/my.har"));
const pages = pagexray.convert(har);
// Or ofyou want to include the each asset information
// const pages = pagexray.convert(har, {includeAssets: true});
Include the latest pagexray.min.js (that you find in the relases) on your page. PageXray is exposed as window.PageXray
const pageXray = window.PageXray.convert(har);
All sizes are in bytes. Expires and timeSinceLastModified are in seconds.
"url": "https://www.sitespeed.io/",
"meta": {
"browser": {
"name": "Chrome",
"version": "60.0.3112.78"
"startedDateTime": "2017-08-24T18:26:29.077Z",
"connectivity": "native",
"title": "Sitespeed.io - Welcome to the wonderful world of Web Performance run 1"
"finalUrl": "https://www.sitespeed.io/",
"baseDomain": "www.sitespeed.io",
"documentRedirects": 0,
"redirectChain": [],
"transferSize": 98791,
"contentSize": 120776,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 10,
"missingCompression": 0,
"httpType": "h2",
"httpVersion": "HTTP/2.0",
"contentTypes": {
"html": {
"transferSize": 8479,
"contentSize": 28279,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 1
"css": {
"transferSize": 0,
"contentSize": 0,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 0
"javascript": {
"transferSize": 0,
"contentSize": 0,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 0
"image": {
"transferSize": 87309,
"contentSize": 85979,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 8
"font": {
"transferSize": 0,
"contentSize": 0,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 0
"favicon": {
"transferSize": 3003,
"contentSize": 6518,
"headerSize": 0,
"requests": 1
"assets": [],
"responseCodes": {
"200": 10
"firstParty": {},
"thirdParty": {},
"domains": {
"www.sitespeed.io": {
"transferSize": 98791,
"contentSize": 120776,
"headerSize": -10,
"requests": 10,
"timings": {
"blocked": 169,
"dns": 0,
"connect": 0,
"send": 6,
"wait": 3624,
"receive": 104
"expireStats": {
"min": 600,
"median": 31536000,
"max": 31536000,
"total": 283824600,
"values": 10
"lastModifiedStats": {
"min": 733347,
"median": 733444,
"max": 733480,
"total": 7334359,
"values": 10
"cookieStats": {
"min": 0,
"median": 0,
"max": 0,
"total": 0,
"values": 10
"totalDomains": 1,
"visualMetrics": {
"FirstVisualChange": 617,
"SpeedIndex": 625,
"VisualComplete85": 617,
"LastVisualChange": 1033,
"VisualProgress": {
"0": 0,
"617": 98,
"633": 98,
"667": 98,
"850": 98,
"1033": 100