YoRPG game created by Ryan Siu, Jonathan Quang, and Rihui Zheng
##Instructions: Compile and run the YoRPG.java file.
javac YoRPG.java
java YoRPG
Follow the prompts as you are guided through the world of YoRPG, choosing your character class, a difficulty, and your very own hero name. You will encounter five rounds of adventure, battle, or perhaps, nothing at all. Will you survive?
##Feature Additions: ###v4
- Items and inventory
- Healing items: Restores HP.
- Attacking items: Does damage to the Monster.
- Added element of randomness to attack damage for all Characters
- Modifications to UI
- Added helpful information between turns
- More choices between turns
- Use items
- Special hero moves can affect your stats either positively or negatively
- Pets (cause who doesn't want their own dragon)
- Deal additional damage to opponent when attacking
- Secret Easter Egg character and pet classes! ;)
##Architecture Modifications:
- Added a new class called InventoryItems for implementing inventories
- Each Character has an inventory (array of InventoryItems objects) as an instance variable
- New classes for pets
##Gameplay Tips:
- Not all Character classes are created equal. Which one is the best?
- Items are useful. Use them, don't stockpile.
- Monster strength does not change depending on difficulty. The chance of a monster encounter does.