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Sixfab RPi CellularIoT Library

Repository of Python Library for Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT HAT and Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT Application Shield

Library Installation

Manual Installation

git clone
cd Sixfab_RPi_CellularIoT_Library
sudo python3 install

Install with pip3

Use pip3 to install from PyPI.

sudo pip3 install sixfab-cellulariot


Enable serial_hw and I2C interfaces by following instructions below:

  1. Run sudo raspi-config
  2. Select 5 Interfacing Options
  3. Enable P5 I2C
  4. For P6 Serial
    • Disable Login shell to be accessible over serial
    • Enable Serial port hardware
  5. Finish
  6. Reboot
  7. It's done.
cd sample
python3  #for testing sensor_test example


** basicUDP
** sensorTest


** Basic UDP Communication Tutorial for Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT Application Shield
** Sensor Test Tutorial for Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT Application Shield

Library Documentation

CellularIoT class


board = "" # shield name (Cellular IoT or Cellular IoT App.)
ip_address = "" # ip address       
domain_name = "" # domain name   
port_number = "" # port number 
timeout = TIMEOUT # default timeout for function and methods on this library.
response = "" # variable for modem self.responses
compose = "" # variable for command self.composes

Primary Functions

setupGPIO - Needs documentation

clear_compose - Function for clearing global compose variable

clearGPIOs - Function for clearing GPIO's setup

enable - Function for enable BG96 module

disable - Function for powering down BG96 module and all peripherals from voltage regulator

powerUp - Function for powering up or down BG96 module

getModemStatus - Function for getting modem power status

getResponse - Function for getting modem response

sendDataCommOnce - Function for sending data to module

sendATCommOnce - Function for sending at comamand to module

sendDataComm - Function for sending data to BG96_AT

sendATComm - Function for sending at command to BG96_AT

resetModule - Function for saving conf. and reset BG96_AT module

saveConfigurations - Function for save configurations that be done in current session

getIMEI - Function for getting IMEI number

getFirmwareInfo - Function for getting firmware info

getHardwareInfo - Function for getting hardware info

setGSMBand - Function for setting GSM Band

setCATM1Band - Function for setting Cat.M1 Band

setNBIoTBand - Function for setting NB-IoT Band

getBandConfiguration - Function for getting current band settings

setScambleConf - Function for setting scramble feature configuration

setMode - Function for setting running mode

getIPAddress - Function for getting self.ip_address

setIPAddress - Function for setting self.ip_address

getDomainName - Function for getting self.domain_name

setDomainName - Function for setting domain name

getPort - Function for getting port

setPort - Function for setting port

getTimeout - Function for getting timout in ms

setTimeout - Function for setting timeout in ms

Network Service Functions

getSignalQuality - Fuction for getting signal quality

getQueryNetworkInfo - Function for getting network information

connectToOperator - Function for connecting to base station of operator

SMS Functions

sendSMS - Function for sending SMS

GNSS Functions

turnOnGNSS - Function for turning on GNSS

turnOffGNSS - Function for turning of GNSS

getLatitude - Function for getting latitude

getLongitude - Function for getting longitude

getSpeedMph - Function for getting speed in MPH

getSpeedKph - Function for getting speed in KPH

getFixedLocation - Function for getting fixed location

TCP & UDP Protocols Functions

activateContext - Function for configurating and activating TCP context

deactivateContext - Function for deactivating TCP context

connectToServerTCP - Function for connecting to server via TCP (just buffer access mode is supported for now)

sendDataTCP - Fuction for sending data via tcp (just buffer access mode is supported for now)

sendDataSixfabConnect - Function for sending data to Sixfab connect

sendDataIFTTT - Function for sending data to IFTTT

sendDataThingspeak - Function for sending data to Thingspeak

startUDPService - Function for connecting to server via UDP

sendDataUDP - Fuction for sending data via udp

closeConnection - Function for closing server connection

Shield Peripheral Functions

readUserButton - Function for reading user button

turnOnUserLED - Function for turning on user LED

turnOffUserLED - Function for turning off user LED

CellularIoTApp Class

Primary Functions

setupGPIO - Needs documentation

enable - Function for enable BG96 module

disable - Function for powering down BG96 module and all peripherals from voltage regulator

powerUp - Function for powering up or down BG96 module

getModemStatus - Function for getting modem power status

readAccel - Function for reading accelerometer

readAdc - Function for reading ADC

readTemp - Function for reading temperature

readHum - Function for reading humidity

readLux - Function for reading light resolution

turnOnRelay - Function for turning on RELAY

turnOffRelay - Function for turning off RELAY

readUserButton - Function for reading user button

turnOnUserLED - Function for turning on user LED

turnOffUserLED - Function for turning off user LED


Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT Application Shield

Pinout Schematic

Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT HAT

Pinout Schematic


! All data pins work with 3.3V reference. Any other voltage level should harm your hat or RPI.


Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT Application Shield


Sixfab RPi Cellular IoT HAT
