Amalgam of tools to make a *nix user live easy
Why type a long line of command every time you want to get something done?
Even doing a history | grep something
gets repetitive.
So, over course of time like all linux user I have ended up writing a number of small and large scripts/programs to automate routine tasks.
A shell script designed to run google chrome.
The default data directory for google chrome is: $HOME/.config/google-chrome
However, doing all web-browsing from the same profile can be problematic. Despite the ability of google chrome to create individual user from it's own root folder, it is just not enough.
bs4 pretty-printer. Everyonce in a while I end up having to reformat html for one reason or another. This is my quick and dirty solution. tidy can do a better job I suppose but I like my pretty printer!!!
python pretty-html -i input.html <output>
# output can be a file or be left empty (or -) for stdout.
cat file.html | python > outfile
left-mouse-right-trackpad-mapper is what it is. Sets up my dell mouse for left handed use and my logitech keyboard trackpad for right hand. Normal gui configuration method do not allow per device setup. If you want to use this, you will have to modify the script yourself:
DEV_LOGI # which is created by grepping xinput\'s output for Logitech
DEV_DELL # which is created by grepping xinput\'s output for Dell
After that, either stick it in to your startup (fluxbox strartup or xinitrc) or call it manually sh