This repo contains a collection of complementary scripts to the main Slamcore SDK. It currently offers the following two main scripts:
can be used for installing a sample dataset for
offline testing and evaluation of Slamcore's Localization and
Mapping capabilities.
Currently the following types of datasets are supported:
- EuRoC MAV Datasets (use the
ASL Dataset Format
format) - OpenLORIS-Scene Datasets
- TUM VI Datasets (use the
Euroc / DSO
After installation the script should be available in your path. Executing it will guide you through a list of questions in order to properly setup a sample SLAM dataset.
Here is a sample execution of the said script to enable processing of the TUM-VI
Here's the same execution for the OpenLORIS
And here's the execution guiding the user to the right download page, when the datasets are not available locally yet.
The slamcore-convert-rosbag2
script allows you to convert datasets stored in
a rosbag2-compatible format to the Slamcore
dataset format. Given the path to the rosbag2 file (the .db3
, .mcap
) file
and given mappings of ROS 2 topics to subdirectories in the Slamcore Dataset
format, it will go through the rosbag2 and convert the required streams to
generate the Slamcore dataset. By default, the slamcore-convert-rosbag2
only aware of the following messages:
The user can also specify plugins for conversions of arbitrary messages - see the plugins section for more.
It's also worth noting that slamcore-convert-rosbag2
does not require the
existence of the metadata.yaml
file of the rosbag2 as it can read the metadata
from the rosbag2 database file itself.
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
slamcore-convert-rosbag2 \
-b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \
-o output \
-c tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json
A test
is included in the test directory of this repo. It's in the mcap format. For Ubuntu 20.04 and the galactic distribution, you will have to install theros-galactic-rosbag2-storage-mcap
package to process arosbag2
in this format. -
The following mappings are used:
cat tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2.json
{ "ir0": { "topic": "/slamcore/visible_0/image_raw" }, "ir1": { "topic": "/slamcore/visible_1/image_raw" }, "imu0": { "topic": "/irrelevant_imu" }, "odometry0": { "topic": "/slamcore/odom" }, "groundtruth0": { "topic": "/irrelevant_gts" } }
The layout of the output directory is as follows:
tree -L 2 output
output/ βββ groundtruth0 βΒ Β βββ data.csv βββ imu0 βΒ Β βββ acc.csv βΒ Β βββ gyro.csv βββ ir0 βΒ Β βββ data βΒ Β βββ data.csv βββ ir1 βΒ Β βββ data βΒ Β βββ data.csv βββ metadata.txt βββ odometry0 βββ data.csv
You should expect output like the following during execution
Command execution output
13:25:24 | WARNING - Output path already exists. Overwriting it... 13:25:24 | WARNING - Configuration: =============== - Input bag file : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 - Storage : sqlite3 - Output directory : output - Converter plugins 0 : None - Overwrite output directory: True INFO | 1685528724.276752680 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY. INFO | 1685528724.360516990 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY. 13:25:24 | WARNING - Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .
You can also increase the verbosity of the tool with
) or with-vv
for (forDEBUG
) messages .Command execution output with -vv
13:26:01 | INFO - Determined storage type sqlite3 from file extension .db3 13:26:01 | WARNING - Output path already exists. Overwriting it... 13:26:01 | WARNING - Configuration: =============== - Input bag file : tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 - Storage : sqlite3 - Output directory : output - Converter plugins 0 : None - Overwrite output directory: True INFO | 1685528761.113749019 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY. INFO | 1685528761.195022167 | rosbag2_storage | Opened database 'tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3' for READ_ONLY. 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Rosbag metadata: Files: tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 Bag size: 36.4 MiB Storage id: sqlite3 Duration: 16.350s Start: May 31 2023 10:55:05.54 (1685519705.54) End: May 31 2023 10:55:21.404 (1685519721.404) Messages: 94576 Topic information: Topic: /irrelevant_gts | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 490 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /irrelevant_imu | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 817 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/accel | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/gyro | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Imu | Count: 34530 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/metadata/distance_travelled | Type: std_msgs/msg/Float64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/metadata/num_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/metadata/slam_event | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/SLAMEvent | Count: 3 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracked_features | Type: std_msgs/msg/Int64 | Count: 6906 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/metadata/tracking_status | Type: slamcore_msgs/msg/TrackingStatus | Count: 3454 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/odom | Type: nav_msgs/msg/Odometry | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/pose | Type: geometry_msgs/msg/PoseStamped | Count: 3453 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 7 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 11 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/camera_info | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/CameraInfo | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr Topic: /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw | Type: sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Count: 8 | Serialization Format: cdr 13:26:01 | INFO - Validating input config file and contents of rosbag... 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Mapping Infrared - /slamcore/visible_0/image_raw -> ir0... 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Mapping Infrared - /slamcore/visible_1/image_raw -> ir1... 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Mapping Imu - /irrelevant_imu -> imu0... 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Mapping Odometry - /slamcore/odom -> odometry0... 13:26:01 | DEBUG - Mapping GroundTruth - /irrelevant_gts -> groundtruth0... 13:26:01 | INFO - Consuming rosbag... 13:26:01 | INFO - Consumed rosbag. 13:26:01 | INFO - Flushing pending data... 13:26:01 | INFO - Flushed pending data. 13:26:01 | WARNING - Finished converting tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 -> output .
In addition to the standard message types specified in the tool's description,
the slamcore-convert-rosbag2
tool allows the conversion of arbitrary topics
given that you teach it how to convert them and what type of messages they are.
You can specify this in a separate python module, and specify this module's
path during the slamcore-convert-rosbag2
execution. For example, here's one
plugin to convert the TrackingStatus
messages published by the Slamcore ROS 2
Code in Rosbag2 Converter Plugin -
from slamcore_utils import DatasetSubdirWriter, MeasurementType
from slamcore_utils.ros2 import Ros2ConverterPlugin
class TrackingStatusWriter(DatasetSubdirWriter):
def __init__(self, directory):
self.ofs_tracking_status = ( / "data.csv").open("w", newline="")
self.csv_tracking_status = csv.writer(self.ofs_tracking_status, delimiter=",")
self.csv_tracking_status.writerow(["tracking_status_val", "tracking_status_str"])
def write(self, msg):
if is TrackingStatus.NOT_INITIALISED:
self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "NOT_INITIALISED"])
elif is TrackingStatus.OK:
self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "OK"])
elif is TrackingStatus.LOST:
self.csv_tracking_status.writerow([, "LOST"])
logger.error(f"Unknown TrackingStatus {}")
def teardown(self):
converter_plugins = [
name="TrackingStatus", shortname="tracking_status", is_camera=False
You can then specify the path to the plugin above during the tool execution and specify the extra topics to convert in the provided JSON file
"tracking_status0": {
"topic": "/slamcore/metadata/tracking_status"
slamcore-convert-rosbag2 \
-b tests/test_data/trimmed_rosbag2/trimmed_rosbag2_0.db3 \
-o output -c ammended_trimmed_rosbag2.json
-p /path/to/
This will, in addition to the standard topics conversion also write the
tracking status data to the output/tracking_status0/data.csv
You can also have a look at the blackbox test of the plugins at slamcore_convert_rosbag2_with_plugin and at
Install it directly from PyPI:
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[tqdm]
# Or if you don't want tqdm's polished progress bars
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils
# Always install the `ros2` extra if you intend to use the
# `slamcore-convert-rosbag2` executable
pip3 install --user --upgrade slamcore_utils[ros2]
I don't want to have to install it
Make sure the project dependencies are installed:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Then adjust your PYTHONPATH
variable and run accordingly:
git clone
cd slamcore_utils
I don't want to install any of your dependencies in my user's install directory
Consider using either pipx or poetry to install this package and its dependencies isolated in a virtual environment:
git clone
cd slamcore_utils
poetry install
poetry shell
# the executables should now be available in your $PATH
Slamcore offers commercial-grade visual-inertial simultaneous localisation and mapping (SLAM) software for real-time autonomous navigation on robots and drones. Find out more at