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Releases: slowenthal/spark-kernel

11 May 17:19
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This is a beta of functionality with open source spark. It currently only creates Spark / Scala Kernels DSE Spark Kernel for Scala and Python

13 Feb 01:44
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  1. Add Databricks CSV Support
  2. Allow statements to span lines

To install the kernels

  1. Ensure DSE is in your path
  2. type [<spark master IP>] - The spark master IP is optional as the default is

Configure spark parameters using spark's spark-defaults.conf.

DSE Spark Kernel for Scala and Python

24 Nov 03:06
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To install the kernels

  1. Ensure DSE is in your path
  2. type [<spark master IP>] - The spark master IP is optional as the default is

Configure spark parameters using spark's spark-defaults.conf.

DSE Spark Kernel for Scala and Python

27 Oct 00:33
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DSE Support

19 Oct 18:31
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Some cool new features:

  1. DSE cluster support. This will pull in all of the necessary DSE jars.
  2. %%showschema magic

Setting up DSE Cluster support example. Full documentation to follow. See prior release documentation for in instructions on setting up the kernel.json file.

kernel.json file. This includes an example of overriding spark.executor.memory

    "display_name": "DSE Spark (Cluster) 1.4.1 (Scala 2.10.4)",
    "language": "scala",
    "argv": [
     "codemirror_mode": "scala"

Jupyter notebook spark-kernel with spark 1.4 and Cassandra support

28 Sep 21:25
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First release of the iPython notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

To get jupyter notebook

Obviously you need python. Install these python packages

pip install jupyter

To set it up:

unpack the zip file just a bit below

create the directory


create the file


and paste in the following contents: Note you need to update a path to sparkkernel

    "display_name": "Spark-Cassandra (Scala 2.10.4)",
    "language": "scala",
    "argv": [
     "codemirror_mode": "scala"

If you nee to override the connection host, add these lines to the argv map above


To run it

jupyter notebook

In the browser - create a new spark notebook


... and spark away


If you don't get output, try adding a .toString on the end. There seems to be a bug rendering some types.
Fixed output formatting issue

Running CQL Statements from within the notebook

Simply prefix a cell containing a CQL statement with %%Cql

%%Cql select * from system.local


Jupyter notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

28 Sep 01:01
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First release of the iPython notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

To get jupyter notebook

Obviously you need python. Install these python packages

pip install jupyter

To set it up:

unpack the zip file just a bit below

create the directory


create the file


and paste in the following contents: Note you need to update a path to sparkkernel

    "display_name": "Spark 1.2.1 (Scala 2.10.4)",
    "language": "scala",
    "argv": [
     "codemirror_mode": "scala"

If you nee to override the connection host, add these lines to the argv map above


To run it

jupyter notebook

In the browser - create a new spark notebook


... and spark away


If you don't get output, try adding a .toString on the end. There seems to be a bug rendering some types.
Fixed output formatting issue

Running CQL Statements from within the notebook

Simply prefix a cell containing a CQL statement with %%Cql

%%Cql select * from system.local


Jupyter notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

04 Sep 16:08
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First release of the iPython notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

To get jupyter notebook

Obviously you need python. Install these python packages

pip install jupyter

To set it up:

unpack the zip file just a bit below

create the directory


create the file


and paste in the following contents: Note you need to update a path to sparkkernel

    "display_name": "Spark 1.2.1 (Scala 2.10.4)",
    "language": "scala",
    "argv": [
     "codemirror_mode": "scala"

If you nee to override the connection host, add these lines to the argv map above


To run it

jupyter notebook

In the browser - create a new spark notebook


... and spark away


If you don't get output, try adding a .toString on the end. There seems to be a bug rendering some types.

Running CQL Statements from within the notebook

Simply prefix a cell containing a CQL statement with %%Cql

%%Cql select * from system.local


First release of the iPython notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

20 Aug 23:41
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First release of the iPython notebook spark-kernel with Cassandra support

To get ipython notebook

Obviously you need python. Install these python packages

pip install ipython
pip install notebook

To set it up:

unpack the zip file

create the directory


create the file


and paste in the following contents: Note you need to update a path to sparkkernel

    "display_name": "Spark 1.2.1 (Scala 2.10.4)",
    "language": "scala",
    "argv": [
     "codemirror_mode": "scala"

If you nee to override the connection host, add these lines to the argv map above


To run it

ipython notebook

In the browser - create a new spark notebook


... and spark away


If you don't get output, try adding a .toString on the end. There seems to be a bug rendering some types.