This is the API for "Mumble". A simple API that supports creating posts, replies and attaching media to them. Furthermore, the API supports liking and unliking posts and replies.
This API is a demo API for the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Frontend Engineering Advanced at the University of Applied Sciences OST in Switzerland (CAS FEE ADV OST).
Most calls to the API are required to be authenticated by
ZITADEL. Accessing the list of "posts" or
the "search" is possible without authentication. To create, like, unlike,
or delete a post (or a reply), the user must be authenticated. The authentication
is done via OIDC and the API expects a valid JWT/Opaque token in the
HTTP Authorization
The API is deployed on Google Cloud Run. Swagger / OpenAPI Documentation is available.
Access the documentation on the following URL:
All authenticated calls require a valid opaque OIDC token. To get a token, you receive a ZITADEL organization and a project grant to your organization. You then may configure your application by yourself and use the API with the fetched tokens.