A complete framework to make a leveling system using discord.js v13
✨ Beginner friendly
✍ Full customization
☁ LightWeight
🦺 Does not use your discord bot token
const { Client, Intents } = require('discord.js')
// create a new client with discord.js
const client = new Client({
const { EasyLeveling } = require('discord-easy-leveling')
const config = {
TOKEN: 'sUp3r-s3Cr31-t0K3n'
// options for the package
// this can be changed based of your needs
const options = {
startingXP: 0,
startingLevel: 1,
levelUpXP: 100,
database: 'sqlite' // or 'json'
const leveling = new EasyLeveling(client, options)
// creating a new 'EasyLeveling' client
client.leveling = leveling
// now you can access the leveling module everywhere!
client.on('ready', () => {
console.log(client.user.tag + ' is ready!')
client.on('messageCreate', (message) => {
if(message.author.bot) return
// will not add xp is the message author is bot
client.leveling.addLevels(message.author.id, message.guild.id, message.channel.id)
// add levels to message author in message guild
// the first parameter is message author's id
// the second parameter is message guild's id
// the third parameter is message channel's id
client.leveling.on('UserLevelUp', (newLevel, lastLevel, userId, guildId, channelId) => {
// This event is fired when a user level up
client.channels.cache.get(channelId).send(`Congrats <@${userid}>! You have advanced to level ${newLevel}. Your old level was level ${lastLevel}`)
// login with discord bot token
To get a user's data, we can call the getUserLevel
const data = client.leveling.getUserLevel()
//will return an object with the user's xp and level
// the first parameter is the amount of level
// the second parameter is the id of a user
// the third parameter is the id of the guild
client.leveling.setLevel(level, userId, guildId)
client.leveling.setXP(level, userId, guildId)
This will get all the data from the database.
const data = client.leveling.getAllData()
⚠ This will delete all data present in the database. Use this when you are sure that you want to delete all the data.
This function will delete a user's data from the database.
client.leveling.deleteUserData(userId, guildId)
This function will reduce a user's level by a given amount.
client.leveling.reduceLevels(amount, guildId, amount)
This function will reduce a user's XP by a given amount.
client.leveling.reduceXP(amount, guildId, amount)
Discord Easy Leveling always try and catch code to ensure your project doesn't crash but if you want to debug, use our error handling event to log errors and where they are occouring
client.leveling.on('error', (e, functionName) => {
console.log(`An error occoured at the function ${functionName}. The error is as follows`)
Discord easy leveling provide a easy way to create a fast and easy way to make a leaderboard
// with you async function
const topUsers = await client.leveling.getTopUser(guildId, 10)
// top users mapped and sorted in an array
The parameter that you define second is the amount of users you want in the array. If there are less users than that number, function will simply return undefined.
Having problems using the packge? Join our discord server to get help!