Cisco EEM TCL script to update your router's AAAA dynamic DNS record with By default will also update your A record in one go.
# You can use short interface names (Fa0, Gi0/1, Di0) for $int
set int "Dialer0"
# Your "secret" update URL. Replace "YOUR_BASE64_SECRET==".
set url "$v6addr"
Copy afraid6.tcl to your router's flash in the location specified by this line in your configuration:
event manager directory user policy "flash:/"
Add this to your Event Manager section. Replace interface name if you're not using PPP-over-whatnot.
event manager policy afraid6.tcl type user
event manager applet afraid6
event syslog occurs 1 pattern "Interface Virtual-Access.*state to up"
action 1.0 policy afraid6.tcl
Test by doing a "shut/no shut" on the interface connected to the Internet. "show log" should come up with good news.
.Jan 22 16:01:55: %HA_EM-6-LOG: afraid6.tcl: Looking for this router's global unicast IPv6 address...
.Jan 22 16:01:55: %HA_EM-6-LOG: afraid6.tcl: Global unicast v6 is: 2A02:2F0B:203F:FFFF::BC1A:B345 (Dialer0)
.Jan 22 16:01:55: %HA_EM-6-LOG: afraid6.tcl: Updating AAAA record on
.Jan 22 16:01:56: %HA_EM-6-LOG: afraid6.tcl: DDNS response:
Updated 2 host(s), in 0.041 seconds
"I honestly forgot why i'm here. Care to remind me?"
You are trying to update your AAAA record by going over IPv4, so you need to pass the IPv6 address as a parameter. Relax though, all this will become obsolete when is reachable over v6. Then you'll only need to "GET" the secret update URL, just like you do for your dynamic A record on v4.
No quad-A record yet.
$ dig +short a
$ dig +short aaaa