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Abhishek Dasgupta edited this page Jan 4, 2021 · 1 revision

Welcome to the international-survey wiki!

This is primarily used as a development roadmap for the porting of the survey tool to a python module and making it more general, so that it can be used by other surveys within @softwaresaved and also outside. Proposed name for tool: /surveyor/ (open to name suggestions!).

Proposed CLI interface

surveyor make <specpath>  # specpath is a folder with a specified directory structure for loading questions
surveyor analyse <result.csv>

Issues to consider before coding:

  • What is the Limesurvey version we are using currently? The version of the Limesurvey format that we output to should be specified as documentation, and ideally in the code
  • Translations seem limited to three languages. We should use ISO language codes for translations and keep each translation separate. We should also separate country specific questions from their translations, and allow multiple languages per country.
  • Using YAML instead of CSV for question specification would be more flexible, but CSV can work as well.
  • Tests are needed, would be good to have a sample run output.
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