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Build Status


Min supported gradle 4.8 Works with gradle 7



Task name Tasks executed Description
build compile + build Builds, does NOT execute check or test.
check build + test + check Builds, then executes static code analyzers
test build + test Builds, then executes all registered tests
coverage build + test + coverage Builds, executes tests and then collects code coverage.
printOsInfo printOsInfo Prints information about OS and project
printVersion printVersion Prints project version based on git
printConfig printConfig Prints plugin configuration
printDockerImage printDockerImage Prints Docker Image that will be used in dockerPush
dockerVersion dockerVersion Prints current docker version
dockerClean dockerClean Cleans docker build context (build/docker)
dockerfileCreate dockerClean + dockerfileCreate Generates Dockerfile in build context
dockerCopyJar build + dockerCopyJar Builds and copies JAR to build context
dockerCopyFiles dockerCopyFiles Copies custom files specified to build context
dockerBuild dockerfileCreate + dockerCopyJar + dockerCopyFiles Builds image with autogenerated tag
dockerPush dockerBuild + dockerPush Pushes image to docker registry


  • to enable docker* tasks, please apply plugin application
  • build, test, check tasks will be modified ONLY if java plugin is applied


All fields are optional.


soramitsu {
  projectGroup = 'sora' # define namespace for your project. default: null
  docker {
    # base docker image to be used (Dockerfile FROM instruction)
    # default: detected based on java version. fallback: openjdk:8-jre-alpine
    baseImage = 'openjdk:8u191-jre-alpine'
    # path to output JAR which is going to be dockerized
    jar = new File("build/libs/${}-${project.version}.jar") 
    # manually specified docker tag. if null, automatic versioning based on git is used 
    # it replaces only 'version' part, e.g. ${name}:${tag}. Example: soramitsu/example:${tag}
    tag = "custom-tag"  
    # to enable dockerPush task, define registry credentials
    registry {
      url = 'https://<host>:<port>' 
      username = '<username>'
      password = '<password>'
      email = '<email>'  # optional
    # files that will be added to the docker image (optional)
    # host fs: docker image fs
    files = [local-file.txt: /file.txt]
    # optional startup arguments for java
    # java -jar ... $args
    runArgs = "-version"
    # optional build arguments for docker
    buildArgs = ['--platform':'linux/amd64']

Docker registry data can be defined from env vars. Env vars ALWAYS override any value from build.gradle:



  • automatic versioning based on git (uses gitVersion)
  • build does not invoke tests (only with plugin java)
  • separate check task for static code analysis; formatting analysis
  • coverage task, which invokes all tests and calculates coverage.
  • dockerBuild task to build docker image including custom arguments
  • automatic tag generation. Tag consists of ${url}/${projectGroup}/${}:${project.version}
    • url - url of docker registry without http(s)://
    • projectGroup - e.g. sora, bakong, etc.
    • - defined in settings.gradle
    • project.version - git version
  • configuration of docker registry from env vars


See projects directory.