This is a pod that lets you add Sinch calling functionality with a callscreens in minutes, super for fast prototyping. If you want to remote/local push to play a custom sound, place a file called ringback.wav in your mainbundle (yeah I know its apple)
To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'SinchCallingUIKit',:git=>''
Initiate the callingmanager
[[CallingManager sharedManager] startClientWithKey:@"key" secret:@"i/secret==" userName:userName sandbox:YES launchOptions:options];
[[CallingManager sharedManager] callUser:@"usertocall"];
[[CallingManager sharedManager] callNumber:@"+14154251021"];
SinchCallingUIKit is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.